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Setting: hashira headquarters
Time of day: Sunset

Giyuu Tomioka, the water hashira, had left for a mission 3 whole weeks ago. Many of the hashira are starting to show concern they never knew they had for him. This morning Master had called a meeting. Telling Sanemi Shinizigawa, Rengoku Kyojuro, And Iguro Obanai to go and search for him.

Iguro: We have been walking for hours. How much long till we get to this place?

Rengoku: I'm pretty sure just a few more minutes.

Iguro: Whatever..

Sanemi: What the hell even happened to that emo? He goes on a mission and just GOES missing. Isn't he a hashira?

Rengoku: He could have got lost.. or got hurt.. or ran into an upper moon and...

*all three go quiet*

-they arrive at their destination-

Sanemi: Let's start looking..

Rengoku: Let's check over there first.. it looks like a fight happened over here.. a bad one...

There is claw marks on trees and bushes crumbled. There are multiple tree limbs that have fallen off of trees surrounding a small opening. There is blood everywhere.

Sanemi: Jeez... someone or something was really badly hurt here... there is blood everywhere I look..

Rengoku: I hope giyuu is alright.. but I also can help but feel something is very wrong.. there is claw marks everywhere..

Iguro: there is blood tracks. Heading into the trees..

Rengoku: The best thing to do is to follow it. There is definitely someone in trouble.

-all of them start following blood tracks to a small abandoned shed-

Rengoku: A shed?

Sanemi: Get your weapons out there might be something in there...

Iguro: Get ready... *he slowly opens the door*

Rengoku: What happened here...?

The shed is covered in blood top to bottom. There is claw marks everywhere and the place is totally messed up

Sanemi: someone had to be killed in here... there is no way that the person or thing that was in here is okay in any way.

Rengoku: *he looks up and sees human remains* um you guys..

Iguro: What-

Sanemi: Up there.... Black hair.. giyuus haori is nailed to the roof... I need a break..

Iguro: Sanemi wai-

Rengoku: Give him some time...

-sanemi leaves the shed-

Sanemi: *looks down* another blood trail... *he follows it*

*noises coming from behind a bush*

Sanemi: Who's there!? Come out now!!!

*noises stop*

Sanemi: Hello!? *he slowly walks over to the bush* Giyuu??

Giyuu: ...?

Sanemi: Y-you're.. a demon..

Giyuu: *he quickly runs away afraid of getting hurt or hurting anyone*

Sanemi: GIYUU!!!

Rengoku: What happened!? I heard yelling!

Sanemi: It's giyuu! He just ran! He's really hurt! He- he's a demon!

*both Rengoku and sanemi start chasing giyuu*

*Giyuu continues to run faster and faster but continues to get more weaker and injured. He then trips and falls over a tree root getting his foot stuck*

Sanemi: *catches up and watches giyuu as he struggles with getting his foot free* Giyuu...

Rengoku: Giyuu that will only make it worse.. sanemi do you have any of that bamboo you would keep on you?

Sanemi: Yeah here.

Rengoku: *makes it into a muzzle and quickly puts it over giyuus mouth*

Giyuu: MMMPH!!!

Rengoku: stop it Giyuu.

Iguro: What's happening here... Giyuu..?

Sanemi: Stop standing there and help us!

Iguro: *he goes and gets giyuus foot free while making sure he doesn't get hurt*

Rengoku: *he picks him up and puts him over his shoulder*

Giyuu: mmmphh!

Rengoku: Cut it out. Let's go before the sun rises.

Sanemi: The sun just set we have plenty of time. And at some point we are going to have to question him. We need to know what happened.

Iguro: Let's just go.. and let's hope that he is still sane.

Sanemi: Yeah yeah whatever.

Giyuu: HMMMPHHHH!!!!

Sanemi: Give him to me! I can't stand that noise!

Rengoku: Don't hurt him. And remember to hold his hands. His nails are really sharp.
-he gives giyuu to sanemi-

Sanemi: So light.. *he knocks out giyuu* okay now let's go.

Rengoku: You didn't have to do that.

Iguro: He did.

Sanemi: Call your crow. We need to tell master we have found giyuu and are heading back.

Rengoku: Okay. KANAME!!

Kaname(crow): Caw caw!!

Sanemi: Crow! Tell master we have found giyuu and are heading back! And tell him about giyuus condition!

*crow flys away after slightly nodding*

Sanemi: Okay NOW let's go.

*they all start walking back*

~end for now~

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