Chapter 9

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( 3rd Person POV )

Darius walked on the sidewalk as one vehicle
after another passes by on the road.

He just got fired from his job and now he had nothing to help him pay off the apartment. He will be living on the streets sooner than he realized.

'Nothing lasts forever'  He thought to himself. 'Not even the people in your life.'

What could Darius do but feel sorry for himself right now.

He continued walking on the side of the road until he eventually entered into the upper class district.

In the sky transports and hover craft filled the air with constant noise.

'How did it all come to this' he asked himself. 'I had everything when I was a boy. Then I lost it all in one day because I chose to ignore my responsibilities.'

Darius kept walking without giving himself a moment to stop or sit down. He didn't care if he was tired or what—he was just done trying to survive. He had no reason to live anymore.

Some of you don't know Darius that well. Not even his back story.

But one day you will. One day.


( Darius's POV )

After walking for what seemed like hours of my time, I finally found it. A large restaurant that stood before me at the edge of a busy street.

'Reeds Roast and Grill!'

It looked very presentable on the outside. Reed must run a really tight ship in order to keep this place a float.

I approached the two doors as they slid opened. Entering in I saw that the entire place was packed with people.

'Wow Reed. You must have one of the best meals served on Coruscant' I thought.

I walked towards the bar area and waited until a waitress was available for me.

"How can I help you?"

"Just a water for me please" I replied. The waitress looked bit confused but got me what I ordered.

"Here you are! Would you like a few minutes to look over the menu?"

She was so sweet and kind. But the next thing to come out of my mouth, would surprise her.

"I'm not ordering."


"Don't take it personally it's not that I don't want anything, I just can't afford it. I'm sorry."

The waitress looked at me with a saddened look. One that spoke with pity and compassion. She was about to leave me be when another voice spoke from behind me.

"Well in that case my good man, order what you like. It's on the house."

I turned around and saw the one who was paying for my meal. It was Reese!!! Dressed in his cooking outfit with a few stains showing.

"No no Reese I can't let you do that....."

"NAH NAH I gotcha covered my man. Just give him a couple minutes Darcy and he'll be ready." Darcy smiled, nodded her head, and then walked off to attend other costumers.

I couldn't believe that this was happening to me. Now I've got Reese paying for my meal?Honestly I felt real bad forcing him to pay for me. But....deep down I was very grateful for his good heart.

"You didn't have to do that Reese" I said out of embarrassment.

"It's no trouble, really. Besides I promised you the best meal so it's only right that I pay for it."

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