A fallen snowflake, a fallen kiss before death comes

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A\N: Another semi-sad JIBBS Christmas before Jenny's death.

I know the title makes no sense but after a while titles are hard to think about. This will probably be my last JIBBS Christmas oneshot until next year. I love writing JIBBS, they're my NCIS OTP!

This one is set during Christmas before Jenny's death. I've been putting off finishing 5x17 because I don't want to watch Judgment Day. Hope you're having a safe and happy holiday, Angels.

Jenny sighs as she looks out of her window, pulling the black, woollen cardigan closer to her thin body as the winter chill sweeps throughout her office. She looks up at the dark sky, it's only 1630 in the afternoon and it's already pitch black outside with snow clouds hanging over the city, little white drops of frozen ice ready to fall from the sky. 

She smiles the next morning when she sees a blanket of white snow covering the street. She shivers, it's going to be colder than it was yesterday which means she'll have to wear extra layers to keep warm at the office so a skirt with heels is out of the question and if she's being honest with herself, she doesn't think she can handle walking in heels with her balance being like it is so she decides on a pantsuit with her red winter coat she bought in London and fur lined boots Jethro got her for Christmas.

She's sitting on a bench in the park, watching the frozen lake glitter under the moonlight. "Thought I'd find you here." Says a voice as they sit on the bench beside her. The scent of coffee, sweat, sawdust and something else she's never been able to identify overwhelms her senses. She knows who it is, he's always been able to find her even when she doesn't want to be found.

It's dark, pitch black, nearing 2130 at night, with only the moon for light in this part of the park, snow slowly falling from the sky and landing all around her and on her hair. She shivers violently as the snow starts to fall faster, despite the big coat she's wearing. Jethro wraps an arm around her shoulder and she leans into him. "How'd you find me?" She asks, Jethro chuckles. "I always know where to find you when it's snowing, Jen." She nods, sighing in defeat when he's right.

In Paris, he'd found her on a park bench looking as the snow fell around the city. That was one the best Christmases she'd had since her father died, which is why she hasn't celebrated the holiday in 8 years but now with her rapidly declining health, how many more holidays will she get with the team, with Jethro, before death takes her away from them? Speaking of Jethro, she looks at him with a small smile on her face. She knows what will happen if she does this but she needs to do this one last time before she's dead. 

She stands up, bringing him with her, she stumbles. "Jen." Jethro says as he steadies her. She stares into his blue eyes, even in the dead of night his eyes still sparkle, closes her eyes and brushes their lips together, tears rolling down her face. The kiss only lasts for 5 seconds until Jethro pulls away, cupping her cold face in his somehow warm hands, wiping away the tears that are still rolling down her face before he kisses her.

Their lips mould together like they used to do eight years ago. It's Jenny who pulls away from the kiss this time when she needs to breathe. She smiles a little as she leans her forehead against his and simply stares into his eyes as snow continues to fall around them, landing in her hair.

"Merry Christmas, Jethro." She says thickly before she turns around and walks away from Jethro for the second time in her life.

A/N: After the New Year. I'm going to take a break from writing for a little bit. This will be my last JIBBS Christmas oneshot. Have a safe and happy holiday Angels. 

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