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It's not okay!" I hiss, hoping the hotel walls aren't paper thin. "I spilled coffee all over him and now he hates me."

The other end of the phone line is quiet for a second before my best friend Izzy's voice cuts through it. "Spilled?"

I roll my eyes. "Kinda. I mean he did it first, so I dumped it over his head."

"You did not!" Her voice is coated with unbelief, and I can picture her widened eyes from here. "Y/N! You can't just go around pouring coffee on strangers! It's your karma."

"Karma doesn't exist."

"Yeah? Then what do you call this?"

I bite my lip. "Action reaction...?"
Izzy scoffs. "This is karma. And you better make the best of it because you're going to have to kiss this man!"

"Shh!" I warn, even though nobody can hear her through the phone. "Not so loud."
Despite knowing nobody can hear, she lowers her voice. "Maybe get him some fruit? Or a card? Say you're sorry?"

"I can't. He'll think I'm only saying sorry out of spite."

"Well that's kinda true."

I say nothing for a second while I drag my hands over my face. "What the heck, Izzy. This is a nightmare!"

"Don't be a baby," she replies. "It's just coffee. Nothing you two can't figure out. Oh, my mom's here! Talk to ya later!"

"Sure! Bye-"

I stare at the wall while lowering the phone away from my ear. I've been in this hotel room for twenty four hours, trying to avoid seeing Josh. Today is the day I'll totally see him, though. We have a table read together, and everyone has to be present. Including us.

"AARGH!" I yell as I throw my pillow against the wall. It hits the vase positioned on the window sill, allowing it to crash to the ground and shatter into a million pieces. The crash is way too loud, and just as

I am about to rush toward the broken vase there's a knock on the door.
"Who is it?" I ask while frantically collecting all of the shards.

"It's Josh."

I roll my eyes so loudly I can almost feel them rolling into the back of my head. "No need to play the hero," I answer. "I just broke a vase, it's fine."

There is a moment of silence on the other side of the door before he answers.

"I didn't even hear. I was just wondering if maybe you'd like to join me for lunch? I got pizza for two."

I instantly remember the steward on the plane and his recommendation. New Orleans pizza is supposed to be very good, and the thought of it alone makes my mouth water.

"I don't like Pizza," I lie, while shoving all the shards into a plastic bag. They make a bunch of noise, and I can hear him vaguely responding.

"What was that?" I ask.
He sighs so loudly I can hear him through the door. "Nothing."

His footsteps trail down the hall, and I let out a loud groan before laying down on the floor. The carpet digs into my skin, and I sigh. I hate it. I hate him. I hate this. I want to go home.


I step out of the meeting room, drenched in sweat. The table read took about three hours, and all three of them were agonizing. I usually don't sweat as much while going through these things, but today was horrible.

The horrible part? Right, he didn't show up.

The director even went through the entire building trying to look for him, and they called his phone and his agent twice.

His phone went straight to voicemail, and his agent was pretty pissed, yet didn't know where he was either. I spent three hours waiting for him to walk through the door, hoping he wouldn't. The director would definitely see how our chemistry was anything but romantic, and he would fire one of us immediately.

I thought they'd fire me, but after Josh's little shenanigan of not showing up to one of the most important meetings, they might have fired him instead.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2023 ⏰

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all the things we never said ~ 𝐉𝐨𝐬𝐡 𝐇𝐮𝐭𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧Where stories live. Discover now