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Once upon a time, in a world teeming with unknown wonders and hidden treasures, there were two adventurers named Alex and Maya. They were brought together by their shared passion for exploration and a yearning for thrilling escapades. They were going to the "HEART OF THE PACIFIC OCEAN".

 They were going to the "HEART OF THE PACIFIC OCEAN"

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{Alex's outfit for the adventure.}

{Maya's outfit for the adventure

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{Maya's outfit for the adventure.}

//16th of December 2045//

Finally the day came when Alex and Maya were leaving for there most excited adventure. They both were unknown to each other, never met. But their plan was on the same day as a coincidence. Maya with her colleagues left for boarding on the ship. And that side Alex with his college friends.


Maya reached harbour. The ship was about to leave at 11.30am. She was having time so she thought to take a quick look near the harbour, she was roaming and suddenly she got a hit on her shoulder.

She said," ouch!"

The man with whom she got hit said,"I'm so sorry miss, I am in a hurry I'm going to board up on this ship and this ship is going to leave."

Maya said,"Dear, this ship will leave at 11.30 and it's just 10.46 now."

The man said," Oh okay thank you and sorry once again."


Maya along with her colleagues and the rest of the people boarded on the ship. At 11.30 the ship left and Maya was very much excited to go.

She was standing and looking at the sea. Someone called her," Hey miss!"

She looked back and this was that man whom she met when she was roaming.

She said,"Oh hey."

He said," By the way, I didn't asked your name, may I know your name!?"

Maya said," I'm Maya and you?"

He said," I'm Alex."

Maya said," nice to meet you Alex."

Alex said Maya that  why was going  to the HEART OF THE PACIFIC OCEAN.

Maya replied that she loves wondering that's why she is going to the HEART OF THE PACIFIC OCEAN 🌊.

Alex said nice he also likes wondering.

From here there friendship started or I can say there love life 🧬. It was a journey of 2 night 3 days. And they became so close friends in just 3 days.

कहते है ना दो दिल को मिलने से कोई नहीं रोक सकता।

After three days they all arrived.As they set foot on the untouched shores, the air was thick with anticipation and the promise of adventure. Little did they know that this journey would not only challenge their physical limits but also awaken a deep connection between them.

~Thank you

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