Chapter I: The Blue Spots and Great Kingdoms

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When The bell rung to signal recess had ended, Xiaoyue sighed, "Well that was fast, right Shiva?...Shiva?", he was confused looking around, before Xilly spoke up, "They ran ahead", She sighed and grabbed her brother's hand, dragging him towards the classroom, "come on, we'll be late", she said in a rather cheerful tone, as they entered the classroom, just to see Shiva sitting on his seat already, sketching again, "not again...", Xilly said in a tone of dread, meanwhile Xiaoyue sighed, "Leave them be, if it makes them happy, then I Say let Them", he went to sit with Them and smiled, "Still sketching that same old Castle, huh?", he said waiting for their reply, "yeah...its become more vivid recently, so I've been trying to capture it better...", Right, Shiva had told Xiaoyue and Xilly about this before, they always had the same dream, a castle, deep underground, upside down...they never figured out where it was, or if it was real, or why they saw it, and it freaked Xilly out, meanwhile Xiaoyue was more concerned on whether or not, this meant that Shiva was alright or not..and now those spots...those damned spots...He couldn't explain to himself how they got on Shiva's face..and he was worried that they may be a sign of an illness or something...but there was nothing he could do, other than to sit and wait,

When he noticed that almost everyone was finally there, that's when, Professor Yggdviel stood up, clapping his hands, and almost immediately, the students went quiet, why wouldn't they? They have been raised to respect Teachers, so they waited in anticipation, as Professor Yggdviel passed out everyone's schedules, soon enough they all went to their private conversations about the schedule, but Professor Yggdviel clapped again, the room fell silent again, as he wrote some topics on the board, "These are some of the topics we'll be covering this year, and since these are the ones that don't rely on each other, I'd like for you all to vote on which you want to start with", he said and again, the students walked to the front and drew a line behind the topic they wanted to know about, when all were seated again, he counted them, "Ah!- I didn't expect so many of you were interested in The Blue Spots, may I ask what drove almost everyone to pick this?", a lot of the Replies were pretty standard, they were things about Professor Yggdviel having them, but Xiaoyues reply earned him a few stares, "I want to know if they are a disadvantage to ones health", he said bluntly as Professor Yggdviel just chuckled, "I see very well then, without further ado, please open your books on page 25", He instructed the class as he kept a close eye on the main Trio...The girl that got voted to be Class representative, with ALL the votes being for her, The Boy whose first name was a female name, and The kid that uses They/Them pronouns and is named after the planet...He was all too suspicious of them when he started talking again, "please read the text in the red box on pages 25 and 26", he asked of them, as he noticed that Xilly seemed to have trouble reading it, in response to which, Shiva helped her, all the while Xiaoyue read through it immediately and made some notes on a piece of paper, copying the text while he was at it, He was quiet and efficient, a high achiever for sure, is what Professor Yggdviel thought, his thoughts on Xilly variated though, he had a feeling she was really smart, but possibly dyslexic or just in general having trouble with reading, Shivada though...he didn't know what to think of them, they seemed to be around average, which was enough for the Professor, Once he thought everyone was done reading, he clapped his hands again.

"Now, that you've all read the text, are there any words you didn't understand? any complications with understanding?", He hadn't really expected anyone to have any complications, so when no one raised their hand he was pleased, going on to speak again, "Very Well, Now that you're informed about the basics, let me go over the history of those spots, feel free to make notes, as there will be a test on this at some point, Ahem, so, it all starts with the gods, specifically, Arata Akimi Oniki, One of The Gods of Lightning and Thunder, he was a demon god, with Blue hair and robes that fluttered whenever it came into contact with the wind, He was widely known to be the youngest person to ascend in the History, at age 23, until The First Imperial Prince, Raida La Vasta De Novele De Liseltania ascended at Age 17, we'll talk about him later though, for now, we'll focus on Arata, He was also famously known for his sigil, its the mark that is placed on his followers, its called Onigai, and its a couple of Gray-ish blue spots, over the centuries, his followers thinned out, and now the Gray-ish Blue spots are a very rare genetic trait, people who have the Spots, may experience, visions, delusions and similar things, all of which often revolve around an upside down Castle, the Castle of Strega, until about 15 years ago, the Castle and Kingdom were still inhabited, but now, its an empty land of ruins, the last known royal family in Strega vanished just before the Castle flipped upside down, it is now located in a gigantic mountain, in a humongous Cave, hanging from the ceiling like a Chandelier, a lot of people go there to look at it or draw the view, but only a handful of them actually return, the rest disappears into nothing, coming back to the visions and delusions, people with The spots have also reported hearing and seeing the missing people in their dreams, some claiming they saw them get dragged away, others saying they can merely hear the people screaming and begging for help, Help that will likely never arrive, as its often described", He said and looked at the class, "Any questions so far?", the classroom stayed silent until Leslie spoke up

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