No Longer Strangers (only part)

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Context: This takes place right after Tim dies due to the unknowing

I dont think this needs any tw's, but here's some possible ones:

TW: Implied Death, Describing Explosions, Angst

Pls be nice. This is my first post. Feel free to leave comments. I genuinely wanna know what yall think ♡♡

The explosion rang out like nothing he's ever heard before. It hurt his ears, but he didn't cover them as he squeezed the trigger tight in his hand. There was a flash of light, He closed his eyes, but everything was still stained with a layer of white blindness. The music dissolved into a screeching ring that made Tim nauseous... but he kept his feet planted firmly on the ground...even as the building rumbled and crashed to the ground He stood there..arm raised.. detonator in hand.
He doesn't know when he lost never felt like he did... all he remembered was a heavy weight on his chest as the ringing finally stopped, as clarity slowly returned to his mind.

Tim fell to his knees, out of breath and tired. His knees didn't feel sharp and rocky from the debris like he had expected... but it was soft. His knees dug into the dirt below him, and the grass tickled his legs and hands,
His hand unclenched from the trigger as he felt the grass beneath his palms

Tim thought to himself
where am-

"Jon!" Tim called out in a hoarse voice

His eyes blinked rapidly- trying to escape the white blindness- as he stumbled back onto his feet
Taking a few steps forward, he called out again

Called back a soft friendly voice

Tim...thats my name...I remember
He thought to himself as he felt his mind clear out from the unknowing


Tim blinked a bit more as his vision slowly returned and he watched a blurry figure rush towards him
He was in a feild... of flowers
He stretched out him arms towards them and fell forward into the figures arms

"Tim! Tim! Hey, Tim, it's ok, it's ok, look at me- your safe now- everything's alright"
The voice rang out again into Tims injured ears. The voice was like a sweet honey to him or the soft rain after a storm

He blinked a few more times as he looked up to see the figures face. They looked... so familiar...he...he remembers! He knows


Tim says softly

Sasha chuckles as she places a comforting hand on his cheek
"Yes yes Tim it's me-"

"...this isn't"
Tim mumbled as his vision cleared up finally
...The Stranger made him forget what she looked like... when it took her face...but this...was Sasha...the Sasha he knew before... not a thing pretending to be was Sasha... he couldn't believe it...he finally remembered. It was like something unlocked in his mind... and everything was perfect...

"No Tim...there's no monsters here...its just me."

Tim began to tear up as he realized what he was seeing was real


Tim called out, throwing himself into her arms and knocking then both to the ground as they both laughed and cried

Sasha called out in bliss as she hugged back

They held each other there in the field for what felt like forever
They both cried with relief at finally being reunited

"I missed you"
Sasha cried

"I missed you more!"
Tim cried louder
"We thought you died! God! Everyone missed you so much! They'll be so happy! Where are they?"

Tim looked around the open field with a wide grin, not another person in sight

Sasha redirected Tims gaze towards her as she spoke softly

"They're...not here...yet..."

Tims grin softly falled as he realized the reality of everything that happened

Then...after a moment,...he nodded slowly

"That's alright
We can wait"

No Longer Strangers (a TMA short story)Where stories live. Discover now