bakugo and deku have a famliy and wedding anniversary

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In the heart of Musutafu, where towering buildings adorned the skyline, Katsuki Bakugo and Izuku Midoriya were about to celebrate a significant milestone – their wedding anniversary. What started as a fiery rivalry at U.A. High School had transformed into a love story that had endured the tests of time.

As the anniversary approached, Bakugo found himself reflecting on the journey they had undertaken together. The once-explosive hero now stood as a devoted husband and father, his fiery spirit channeled into protecting not only the city but also the precious family he had built with Midoriya.

In the days leading up to the celebration, Bakugo orchestrated a plan that involved both heroics and heartfelt gestures. He discreetly enlisted the help of their friends from Class 1-A, who were more than willing to contribute to making the occasion memorable.

On the special day, Bakugo surprised Midoriya with a hero-themed breakfast, complete with pancakes shaped like their favorite symbols and a homemade card expressing his love and gratitude. The children, inheriting their fathers' quirks, added their own unique touches to the festivities.

As the evening approached, Bakugo led Midoriya to the place where their journey had taken a profound turn – All Might Park. The park, once a training ground for young heroes, now served as a symbol of their enduring love. Underneath a canopy of twinkling fairy lights, Bakugo presented Midoriya with a bouquet of flowers, each bloom representing a year of shared laughter, triumphs, and growth.

The evening continued with a surprise gathering of their closest friends and family. The U.A. alumni shared stories, laughter, and a few embarrassing anecdotes from their hero days. Todoroki, Uraraka, and the others toasted to the couple's unwavering commitment, highlighting the impact their love story had on those around them.

Bakugo took a moment during the celebration to express his feelings to Midoriya, acknowledging the growth they had experienced as individuals and as partners. Midoriya, in turn, thanked Bakugo for being the constant in his life, the unwavering support that had propelled them to this joyous anniversary.

As the night unfolded, Musutafu witnessed a celebration not just of a hero duo's love but of the resilience and strength that came from facing life's challenges hand in hand. The city, with its gleaming lights, bore witness to a love story that had transformed from explosive beginnings to a steadfast union, creating a legacy that would endure for many more anniversaries to come.

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