Nightmares and Wolves (TW)

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**Y'all, this opens up into an intense description of one of Harry's nightmares. If you don't like descriptions of gore or torture, please skip to after the nightmare. I promise that this nightmare is unimportant to the plot.**

Harry's POV

It was pitch black. I could hear someone in the distance, screaming my name as if they were being tortured. I couldn't tell where it was coming from. All I knew is that it sounded urgent and feminine. I couldn't tell who it was.

I walked around for a little, trying to follow the screaming but eventually it stopped. A minute later, it seemed to come from a different direction, but it wasn't the same voice. It sounded different. More masculine. Just like the last one, I couldn't tell who it was.

This time, I tried running to it instead of walking. Just before I got to it, it disappeared again. Another minute of just standing there, trying to figure it out, and a different feminine voice was screaming for me. This time I thought it sounded like Hermione.

"Hermione!" I yelled. Nothing in return besides her screams. Somehow, they sounded worse than the ones she had let out at Malfoy Manor.

"Hermione! Where are you?!" I tried again. I was running to her screams and right before I seemed to get there, it stopped. One more minute of silence and Ron's tortured screams came from a new direction.

"Ron!" I yelled as I ran to his voice.

As I reached where his voice was, it was replaced by a cold, bone-chilling laugh. It seemed to be coming from above, almost as if it was watching over me, watching me struggle.

My head started pounding, worse than a migraine. All of a sudden, the first voice started screaming again. I started running to it, but before I got there, the second started screaming. I couldn't tell which way I should go and before long, Hermiones voice was added to the sickening orchestra of screams.

I just spun around trying to decide who I should try to help first as Ron's voice was added, then Lavender's, and Remus's, and Tonks's, until eventually everyone who was lost in the war was screaming for help, alongside Hermione and Ron.

The laughter never stopped. Instead it seemed to get louder and louder, never truly overpowering the screams, but still not quiet enough to forget.

Lights turned on over every one of the screaming voices and I realized the first male voice that I couldn't identify was Crabbe. I found out that the female voice was a teacher I had never met.

The people were all tied up on chairs, blindfolded, and had cuts along their throats, faces, and arms. Some of them even had blood seeping through their clothes.

I was horrified. Tears started to form in my eyes, as I slowly spun around to see everyone. One caught me off guard, as I didn't expect to see him.

It was Malfoy. His platinum blonde hair was soaked with blood. his arm was covered with cuts and blood poured out of it. Strangely, it also had what looked like ink coming from it.

(AN: it's his arm with his dark mark. That's why it has ink)

I walked over to him slowly, unsure as to why. Without warning, I heard someone drop to the floor behind me. As I looked behind me, I noticed it was the teacher. I ran over to her, checking her pulse, but quickly realized she had none. She was dead.

Another body dropped, and I looked over to see Crabbe, now lying dead and bloody on the floor.

I watching in horror as Hermione dropped, some cuts on her arm sticking out to me. They looked like letters. A word. "Mudblood" was still written on her arm, blood pouring from her arm and head.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2023 ⏰

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