SFW; Meurdrac and Vestige 2

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Vestige and Meurdrac walked on either side of Coda within the palace of Herras throne world, the interior of which was reminiscent of the Dreaming City, but any crystal growths were replaced by Hive chitin and bone. Vestige turns to look at Coda, resting his hands on his hips as they sauntered the halls.

Vestige; "So, do tell, how did you come to find Ms. Eido?"

Meurdrac rolled her mechanical eyes, barely the same shade of green as the plasma that flowed around the Hive chitin decor. Coda glanced in Vestiges direction, maintaining a near unblinking gaze forwards and speaking plainly.

Coda; "I found her in the Cosmodrome, like a lot of other Guardians at the time. Found her specifically in Skywatch, in a cave under a pile of Hive bones."

Meurdrac scoffed under her breath, her eyes turned to Vestige.

Meurdrac; "Talk about fucking foreshadowing."

Vestige tensed his jaw, in lieu of pursing his lips.

Vestige; "Uhm, how much further to Ms. Eidos quarters?"

Coda turned his shell towards one of the doors coming up at the end of the hallway.

Coda; "That one on the right."

Meurdrac picked up the pace of her walking, briskly going ahead of the other two, fists clenched at her sides.

Meurdrac; "Fucking finally."

Vestige and Coda began walking faster to catch up with Meurdrac, reaching her once she kicked the door open, shattering the wooden door like pavement. Inside, the trio would see Herra laying on her bed, under the covers... With another Awoken man. His eyes were also emerald green, with alabaster white hair and azure blue skin. They turned simultaneously towards the door when Meurdrac kicked it open, with Herra and Meurdrac shouting simultaneuously.

Herra & Meurdrac; "FUCK!"

Vestige turned away and used a free hand to cover Codas optic.

Vestige; "Yes, that's correct."

Meurdrac tossed a Glacier grenade down to put a wall between the two groups.

Meurdrac; "I'd tell you two to get a fucking room... But this is indeed a room you are fucking in!"
Vestige turned his attention back to the Stasis wall as Herra was heard on the other side, their silhouettes visible through the crystal. The sheets were removed by Herra, but the Awoken male remained on top of Herra, caging her with his arms and legs.

Herra; "Midas... Love, we need to get dressed."

The Awoken responded with a mischevious voice, leaning down close to her lips.

Midas; "Oh? Dai, you were having fun just a minute ago."

Herra let out a frustrated sigh, hands moving up to briefly massage her face.

Herra; "Atropos... Please, I beseech you. If it was Lilac, I wouldn't care, but these are strangers."

Midas shook his head in disappointment and pulled himself off of Herra, presumably using Strand to conceal his nether regions before using Grapple to pull his robes to himself off the floor. Herra whispered a Hive incantation to teleport her robes to herself from the other side of the room, Meurdrac speaking as they got dressed.

Meurdrac; "Not strange enough, unfortunately; I'm Eves daughter... Much as I wished otherwise."

Herra stood from the bed once dressed, Midas remaining on his knees as he put on his robes. When the Stasis wall dissolved, Herra stood near the edge of the bed with her arms folded over her chest.

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