Untitled Part 1

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"Maybe next time You'll Listen to me. I warned you, all you are is a fucking worthless freak. You'll never amount to anything in your goddamn pathetic life" I stared at the weak boy in front of me. I wanted him to hurt and I wasn't even sure why... just looking at him made me so mad...

My thoughts broke away from that as my breath was now becoming audible. I bit down hard on my tongue and dug my nails into my palms. The room had started to feel so fucking hot. A small shifted sound arose in front of me and I snapped my head up. He was holding a small chunk of glass in his hands.

His glasses were broken and tiny shards of glass lay surrounding him For half a second I felt the muscles tighten in my stomach and guilt seep into my brain. I shouldn't want him to hurt this bad, he hadn't done anything. It felt like two different people were controlling me, ripping me apart from the inside out. It was like a sick game of tug-a-war. I pushed it away diverting my eyes away from the boy.

The scene made me nauseous. It reminded me too much of myself and I knew if I kept looking I wouldn't be able to keep myself from apologizing and helping... And that wasn't an option I was interested in. I had to keep my image up as strong or else everyone would walk over me I mean it wouldn't be the first and I wouldn't even be surprised. Everything would go back to how it was before.

My gums started to ache, as a slight bitter coppery taste filled my mouth. I had to resist the urge to spit as I forced my teeth to unlock. I didn't even know if the blood was from biting down on my tongue or if it was from my gums as I had been clenching my teeth too hard. I tried to swallow it but my body refused to let me swallow the increasing amount of blood in my mouth.

The world moved fast for a second before the air rushed out of my lungs and pain swirled around my spine. It felt like pieces of bone were chipping away until everything was gone. My body felt like it was nothing but mush.

My aching lungs sputtered for air. It felt like gravity was pulling me downwards. My knees bent slightly under me.

I mean I guess on the good side when my back hit the wall or whatever, I breathed in and long story short, there's no more blood in my mouth...

The air slowly came back to me in small gasps and coughs, but it still came back. And now that I was a bit more aware I noticed the nob of a lock biting hard into my back but I just shrugged it off. I didn't need to look more like a bitch than I already did at this moment.

I stared in front of me accusingly to see a mass of red fluffy hair and two cold salt eyes staring back into me. My body stopped moving on its own no matter how hard I tried to force it forward. Noah stood defiantly, glaring daggers at me.

Finally, my body moved on its own again...

"What the fuck" I screamed at him as I pushed off the locker hard. I could feel tears threatening to spill. He betrayed me. After everything we went through... he still betrayed me. Even after I stayed with him through all the shit he did to me... it wasn't enough... It would never be enough...

Noah's eyes softened for half a second; considering... a second passed and just as quickly as they had softened the glare was back on his face. He shook his head "I told you if you didn't fucking stop your shit we weren't going to be together. You're just a pathetic excuse of a human. We are breaking up" He spat out, turning his back to the and helping the kid up. Me and the kid made eye contact...

and I have never wanted to kill someone more... he took a step back his eyes wide...

Noah turned back around same glare still present on his face. I flinched, it felt like my heart had shattered, everything I worked for just tumbled beneath my fingers "You think I care?" I whispered turning and walking away from the scene. But not before I felt a tear roll down my cheek. I was all by myself now.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2023 ⏰

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