window -ch1-

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!!finney's pov:!!

I wake up to the sun flashing through my window. i groan and rub my eyes. i check my phone, no new notifications. honestly not so wierd as its summer vacation and its 6:32am. the house is quiet, but not because everyones asleep. because everyones not here. dads not home, but he never is. and gwen lives with our aunt because she had to get away from dad. damn, life sucks i guess. i get up and go to my closet, picking out some clothes. i look out the window and see my neighbor, robin. yes, i have a perfect veiw of his room from mine, and same with him. very sad. we connect our eyes for a few seconds before i flip him off and take my clothes, walking to the bathroom while jumping in the shower. honestly suprising that hes awake right now.

-30 min later-

i get out of the shower, drying my hair. i wrap a towel around my waist and go back to my room, noticing robin was still there but now he was looking stressed while talking to someone on the phone. "probably his girl" i tsk, huffing. everyone knows that him: the popular jock, and his girl, savannah: the cheer captian (idk how to write that) have the MOST toxic relationship in the whole fucking school. he hangs up his phone and notices me, fuck. and im only wearing a towel, atleast hes too far away to see my scars. that asshole bugs me enough. he blushes and closes his curtians. i get confused (ofc), was he blushing? i sigh and roll my eyes as i put on my clothes, jumping back into my bed as its now 7:19am and im litterly a fucking loner. wow, depressing. i open my phone and scroll through insta, savannah posted a picture with the caption 'single and ready to mingle'. i roll my eyes "Finally," i breathe out. i put my phone down and grab a cigar from my desk and light it up. going to my window and opening it. i take a puff. breathing the smoke out. robin comes up to his window, ugh of course he had to come now, fucking piece of shit. he sighs looking down not noticing me yet. he looks up at me, suprised. our houses were only like 8 ft away from each other, so i could hear him if he talked a bit normaly. "you smoke?" he asks. "are you blind?" i respond rolling my eyes. he rolls his eyes in respond and leaves. i stay by the window and finish my cigar, throwing it out the window.

about an hour has gone by and robin comes back into the room, his long hair wet and only wearing sweatpants, guess he took a shower. my face heats up as i look at his abs. i stare at them until he snaps me out "ya got a staring problem too, blake?" he shouts out the window. "nah just staring a broken problem." he flips me off as i say that. i sit down at my desk, minding my own buisness until robins abs pop up in my mind. my face heats up, "the fuck?.." i say as i try to get the thought outta my head. nothin' works so i pinch my arm, which also dosent work. "fuck" i sigh. do i have a crush on robin arellano?! hahaha no.. right? fuck 'tis, im getting high. i go to the beach with the weed in my pocket and a lighter. i sit down on the sand and light up a joint. smoking. after getting high, i decide i should go home. which i succsesfully do without dying. i lock the door as i come inside. i go up to my room and plop down on my bed, still high. i look at the time, 4:53pm. damn, time goes fast. getting high really helped getting arellano outta my head. i fall asleep. i dont really know how, but i did.


i wake up, kinda confused. i mean, atleast im not high anymore. or i guess i kinda still wanna be high. but im outta weed. my stomach growls. "shut up" i whisper to myself as i go down stairs and make myself some food. as i finish my food, i hear a pling from my phone. i check and see an insta notification.

*robin arellano added you!*

seriously. robin? we hate each other. i sigh and add him back.

finney blake: fuck you want.

robin arellano: jasons throwing a party and asked me to invite everyone.

finney blake: kay, well. unfriend me now.

robin arellano: nop

i roll my eyes. i check jasons profile and see hes posted a story. caption: party at mine next saturday. address: ************
i decide im gonna go. i have nothing else to do anyways. i go back to my room. and of course, when i look out my window i see robin. when he sees me his face heats up. i tilt my head at him in confusion. he closes his curtians. i go get ready for bed as its now 12:23. damn, who knew doing nothin' made time go so fast. i go to bed and try to fall asleep. fail. i couldnt stop thinkin' 'bout robin. my face heats up. fuck fuck fuck.. god, shit. do i actually have a crush on robin?! fuck. nobody can know about this. i sit up in bed and my eyes start tearing up. i cant have a crush on arellano. i start crying, sobbing. fucking hell. im frustrated. he wont ever like me back, so why the hell do i like him?! i fucking hate him! gosh my life is shit. i reach under my pillow and grab my blade. 1.. 2.. 3.. 4.. 5. 6.. i start sobbing even more. im fucking stupid for this. im a fucking faggot. i go to the bathroom and wash off the blood on my wrist. going back to my room and to my window, needing dome fres air. i hide my face in my hands. sobbing again.

i realized my wrist were bleeding again, and my face was wet with tears. i was about to go back  to the bathroom. until a familiar voice speaks. robin.



damn that went fast. wierd day for finney ig. i honestly suck at stories. sowwy uwu.

okay that was so fucking cringe, im gonna go kms rq. gagging.
anyways. welcome to my book. :)

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