cooking chaos - 🩷

58 2 18

Thank you my annoying-ass friend for the request that was probably from google


(So this may be confusing, but in this, Operation Strix is over and Loid and Yor are actually married, not fake married anymore)

Anya was sitting in the on the couch, watching her favorite show, when the phone rang. 'Huh? Ill answer it, its probably for papa, or Unkie trying to talk to mama, ill wake them up if thats the case!' Anya though before hopping off the couch and walking to the phone.

Anya answers the call, "Hello, this is Anyas house-residence, how may I help you?" -She didn't understand half the things she was saying, she was just copying her parents.

 The call was from Becky, her schoolmate who was wondering if she wanted to come over for a sleepover. "Oh? A sleepover? That sounds fun, I'll ask papa! One moment..." She says before going to Loids room. 

"Papa? Becky invited me over for a sleepover, can I please go?" She says excitedly while waiting for a response. "Just a second Anya, ill be out in a minute." Loid said from behind the door.

 'I wonder if Mama and Papa are being flirty again... Ill tell Becky all about it!' Anya thinks "Ohh-kayyyy!" Anya says and goes to her mothers room door.

 "Mama???" She knocks on the door, though it was weird, since her mother was usually already awake. No answer...

Loid steps out of his room with his green suit on. "Ok, what was it you asked Anya?" Loid said while he shut his bedroom door.

"Can I go to Beckys house for a sleepover? She said that if it was okay, she would pick me up" Anya says while smiling. 

"I see no reason why not, is she still on the phone?" Loid asks. "Umm, I don't know- the phone is kind of confusing to use." Anya says before walking over to the hung up phone.

"I don't think its on." She says. Eventually, the two figure out how to call Becky back, and by 11:30 (AM), Anya had packed her bag/ Loid packed the rest of the bag for her and she packed her toothbrush. 

She got picked up around 11:45, and the second Anya got into the car with Becky, she told her all about how she thinks that they were 'being flirty' again.


back in the apartment

Yor walks out of Loid's room after it had become surprisingly quiet.

"Wheres Anya?" She asks Loid, who was sitting on the couch reading the newspaper. "She left to go to a sleepover with her friend from school." He says, setting the newspaper aside. "Ah, ok..I wish she'd told me, her energy is what mainly gets me up in the morning." Yor says while smiling.

"Sorry, I didn't want to wake you, you seemed too peaceful," Loid says while standing up. "What do you want for breakfast? Anya had cereal, she was very proud of herself for getting the box from the cabinet." 

"Oh uhm, anythings fine I guess.." Yor says while fixing her red sweater(/shirt or whatever the hell it is.) 

Loid pauses to think, he has an idea which he knows would probably backfire, but It would be fun! Hopefully... "Do you want to help me? We could just make something simple, like eggs and toast." He says. 'How can you mess up eggs and toast? Its one of the most simple things out there afterall.' He though.

"What? Oh- are you sure?" She asked while tilting her head slightly. "Yeah, it could be fun," Loid says. 'Fun meaning burning the kitchen down, or giving someone food poisoning..?' Yor thought before saying, "Yeah, okay!" and smiling softly.

Meanwhile, Becky and Anya were gossiping about their parents, and their parents love lives - Beckys idea.

For some reason, Loid thought it was a good idea to let Yor cut up chives. The second she was handed the knife, she just stood there gazing at the silver blade in awe - Loid was hella confused.

Loid instructed her to put the bread, in the toaster- once again, should've and easy job but no. Somehow, even with the timer set perfectly, the bread burnt to a crisp. "Wait, what..? Is your timer off? I was sure that i'd set it to 5 minutes!" She said while throwing out the unedible piece of 'food'. He laughed at her minor panic and eventually, (2 trys later) Yor had made decent and edible toast.  Loid cooked and seasoned the eggs and Yor waited patiently in a chair. Once the eggs were finished, Yor got two plates and helped plate the food. 

The young couple sat down and began eating. "Wow...this is the first time I've made something that won't give someone food poisoning..." Yor said quietly.

They finished their food and soon after Yor left to go to work.

'That didn't go the best it could've, but it could've been much worse' Loid though to himself while reading the newspaper again.

Over with Anya on the other hand, her and Becky were playing "family" with dolls. You can imagine how this was.


TYSM FOR READING!!! This is one of the first stories that I've written, so it may not be the best, but I tried! Just to say, if this was someone elses idea first- Im terribly sorry! Anyways thanks for reading my oneshot:)



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