Nishri's Diary: "The Calm Before the Storm."

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March 13th 2020
I just found this book again in the boxes down in the basement. I thought it might be fun to start writing in here again since I'm a lot smarter now and know how to spell "because" in English. I wonder if you remember me dairy? I mean the last time I wrote in you (that sounds wrong..) I was writing in Japanese... I'll introduce my self again then! Hi! I'm Nishiri Atigawa, I'm 10 years old as of January 3rd this year and I have 1 mom named Aiko Atigawa (who's been acting kinda strange these last few days but I still love her lots!) and 1 brother named Kira Atigawa. I love my brother a lot too, people actually say he's really really special because he's the ultimate Detective... I don't really know what that means yet but I'm sure it's really important... which is kinda sad because kira wont really do much of anything... all he does is lay in his bed and sleep or stare up and the sky. I don't really know why but I think he's just really sad because one of our friends named Lori had to move away and she was kinda like a sister which makes it even sadder. I'm running out of space to write now so I'll write more another day, bye!

March 15th 2020
Mom says I can't go to school anymore... not like I won't ever again or I have to stop learning she just said that there's a a lot of sickness n stuff outside and that everyone will be taking online class in the safety of their own homes which I guess is kinda cool... it'll probably make it easier for kira to do school so that's really good but I think I'll miss my friends n stuff. Anyway! I actually talked to kira for a little bit today because he was awake and decided that he wanted to be "productive" I don't know why he had the sudden change of heart but i'm happy about it. He made me and him breakfast and I told him that I started writing in my old diary/journal (he said that journal was a more professional word and I agree) again and he said that it was a good idea. He also said it helps to keep you "grounded in reality" I thought that was a weird compliment but I didn't feel like pointing it out because I didn't wanna make him sad again. The breakfast was cut short when mom walked in and said I had to do school. I dunno was going on but every time I see her now there's a bad feeling that starts growing in my stomach. I really hope I don't hate her now because that would be sad. I don't have much else to write about so I think this is where I'm gonna end it for today. Bye!

March 23rd 2020
Ok so I haven't written anything in like a week but that's because nothing really happened. I mean we haven't gone outside in awhile so no one's in this house been interacting with many people. (not that kira or mom ever really did that... I really hope they didn't feel lonely before or now for that matter.) a few things have changed... I haven't talked to kira in awhile but that's not out of the ordinary.... On a darker note I'm kinda scared of/for my mom... remember when I said she was acting kinda strange a few days ago? Yea well it's getting worse.. I don't really know how to explain it I just get this really bad feeling when ever I see her... and sometimes she'll talk to herself... not like when she prays out loud but like she's having a conversation with someone right next to her. I tried to ask her what was happening but she just got really... I dunno I really dunno how to explain it. This kinda makes me upset to write about so I'm gonna end this here. Bye bye!

March 26th 2020
I wanna get into a routine of writing in my journal but sometimes there's just nothing to write about... I wanted to ask Kira if he had any ideas as to what I should write on the days where nothing really happens (which is almost every day now :()but he was asleep and he's never totally... there? when I wake him up... like his body is there but some part of his soul or his consciousness isn't because he just stares at me with his weird (sorry kira :,)) tired eyes. I really don't like it when he does that... I remember not to long ago I asked him to stop but he didn't know what I was talking about. If I'm being totally honest I may only be 10 (which is actually a very big age and I shouldn't be down playing it because it's the double digits!) but I think something's wrong with kira... he doesn't look sick and he was never really that talkative but something is just so... wrong. I would ask my mom about what she thinks but I don't really wanna talk to her right now and I don't think kira does either. It's pretty late and I'm tired so bye!

April 4th 2020
I've decided I'm not gonna do school anymore. I don't understand anything that's going on right now in class and I can't ask kira for help because he's been asleep and I don't wanna talk to my mom because I've decided she's too strange. (I still love her though.) so now that I've been a drop out (I'll fix it later when my mom starts acting not strange or maybe when my grandma can visit.) I can spend my time doing more important things. I've realized that because kira is sleeping so much he doesn't eat enough food so I think I'll play parent for him and make him food. I've also realized that maybe kira just has a really bad cold because I always get tired when I have a cold. That realization made me kinda angry at my mom for letting kira be sick that long without ever giving him medicine. Anyway it's a good thing that I already know how to cook a little because mom is apparently to busy doing... something important?... to make food. I have to go make my "弟" (heheheheheheheheh) lunch. Bye bye!

April 7th 2020
I still don't have much to write about. It kinda makes me upset because sometimes I'll just stare at the paper and watch it get blurry. Oh yeah, my eyes. My visions been getting blurry lately. I actually ended up asking kira about it one time when I was giving him food (which he's eating! Yay!) and he said it's because I have "lazy eyes" I got upset when he called my eyes lazy so I said "no shit Sherlock" which made Kira's eyes go super wide before he started laughing. It was really good to hear him laugh... I wish I recorded every time I heard him speak because I miss his voice a lot. anyway he said that it's not that my eyes are lazy it was just that what the condition is called. Lazy eyes are when the eyes are kinda turned into the skull and you don't really have control of it or what ever. I asked him if it can be fixed and he said yeah but they're only fixed with surgery. I don't want to have a surgery so I've decided I'm just gonna live with it... Mom's still kinda acting... funky?... yeah, funky.. in a bad way though, not the good way... well,
That's really all that happened these past few days. Bye!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2023 ⏰

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