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"Strap in for a bumpy ride through the chaos that is my life! I'm Arianne, and let me lay it out for you," she began with an exasperated sigh, as if the weight of the world rested on her shoulders. "I'm stuck in this wild arranged marriage with Chocol, the dance sensation and CEO extraordinaire. I mean, can you imagine? My life is like a bad reality show."

"Hey, I heard that!" Chocol's voice interjected, a mixture of annoyance and amusement evident in her tone.

Arianne rolled her eyes, continuing, "Picture this: Chocol's got the world at her feet with her dance moves, running a hotshot dance company, and set to inherit the colossal SM Co. And then there's me, Arianne, the heiress of HYZ CO. Ent., dragged into this mess like a character in a badly written soap opera."

Chocol chimed in, "Well, you're not exactly thrilled about being my partner in this grand drama either, princess."

Arianne shot her a look, "Don't call me princess. I'm not about that fairy tale nonsense."

"Fine, drama queen," Chocol retorted with a smirk.

"We're not exactly the best of buddies; it's more like a daily contest of 'who can ignore the other better,'" Arianne confessed, sarcasm dripping from every word. "But here's the kicker - we decided to throw in a twist. We made a pact to make each other fall in love. And if only one of us does, game over, contract terminated, and hello, annulment. Easy, right? We're both convinced it won't happen."

Chocol chuckled, "Speak for yourself. I've got charm for days. You won't stand a chance."

"I can't wait for this whole charade to be over," Arianne declared, her frustration palpable. "I'm pissed about this marriage and counting the days until I can wash my hands of this mess."

Chocol raised an eyebrow, "Wash your hands? Is that how you see our epic love story?"

"But what if it's not that simple?" Arianne mused, a hint of uncertainty in her voice. "What if the unexpected happens, and this arranged disaster turns into something I never saw coming?"

Chocol smirked, "Prepare for a wild romcom where you might just be eating your words, Arianne. Grab your popcorn, folks. It's going to be a rollercoaster!"

As they bantered, the stage was set for a tale that defied predictability. The contract, a looming specter over their lives, added a layer of complexity to the impending drama. Arianne couldn't shake the feeling that beneath Chocol's confident exterior, there might be more to this charismatic CEO than meets the eye. Meanwhile, Chocol, despite her bravado, wondered if Arianne's icy demeanor hid a vulnerability waiting to thaw.


As they bantered, the stage was set for a tale that defied predictability. The contract, a looming specter over their lives, added a layer of complexity to the impending drama. Arianne couldn't shake the feeling that beneath Chocol's confident exterior, there might be more to this charismatic CEO than meets the eye. Meanwhile, Chocol, despite her bravado, wondered if Arianne's icy demeanor hid a vulnerability waiting to thaw.

The air crackled with tension, and the duo unwittingly embarked on a journey where love, contracts, and the unpredictability of life collided. Little did they know that their reluctant partnership would lead to a series of unexpected events, challenging their assumptions and reshaping the contours of their relationship. The spotlight was on, and the romcom of Arianne and Chocol's lives was about to unfold, promising laughter, tears, and a love story that defied all the rules.

As the days ticked away, Arianne found herself caught in the whirlwind of preparations for a wedding she never envisioned. Dresses, flowers, and seating arrangements became the backdrop to a chaotic dance that mirrored the complexities of her feelings. Amidst the chaos, Chocol's relentless charisma persisted, whether it was in choosing the perfect dance routine for the wedding or effortlessly handling the demands of running a dance company.

One day, amidst the hustle and bustle, Arianne cornered Chocol in the midst of dance rehearsals. "You might be the queen of dance, but this wedding is not a performance," Arianne snapped, her frustration reaching a boiling point.

Chocol, undeterred, shot back, "Well, princess, if we're stuck in this, might as well make it a show worth watching."

Their banter continued, a daily routine of verbal sparring that seemed to underscore the absurdity of their situation. Yet, beneath the layers of sarcasm, there were fleeting moments, glances exchanged and words left unsaid, hinting at a connection neither of them was ready to acknowledge.

The rollercoaster ride truly began on the wedding day, where the contrast between Arianne's elegant, traditional ceremony and Chocol's lively, dance-infused celebration became a microcosm of their worlds colliding. As they exchanged vows amidst the opulent surroundings, the weight of the pact they had made lingered, overshadowing the grandeur of the moment.

The reception that followed was a whirlwind of emotions and conflicting energies. Arianne's circle, representing a spectrum of personalities, interacted with Chocol's vibrant ensemble, creating a dynamic interplay that added both humor and tension to the festivities. It was as if the universe itself conspired to make their lives a theatrical production, complete with a supporting cast that added layers to their unfolding drama.

Amidst the laughter, music, and clinking glasses, Arianne found herself seated next to Rena, her bridesmaid, who cast a curious gaze in her direction. "Arianne, this whole arrangement seems... surreal. How are you holding up?"

Arianne offered a strained smile, "It's like I'm in a play, Rena. A play where the lines are written for me, and I'm just following the script."

Rena nodded in understanding, "Well, if this is a play, we're your supporting cast. Lean on us whenever you need to."

Meanwhile, on Chocol's side, Yeni couldn't resist poking fun at the situation. "Chocol, buddy, how does it feel to be a leading man in your very own romantic drama?"

Chocol rolled her eyes with a chuckle, "If this were a drama, it would be a comedy. I never signed up for this, but here we are."

Back at Arianne's table, Dohee couldn't help but express her thoughts. "Arianne, I've known you for years, and this is... unexpected. How did this even happen?"

Arianne sighed, "Our parents think they know what's best for us. Apparently, this is their idea of a grand plan."

The night progressed, filled with laughter, music, and the clinking of glasses, yet beneath the surface, the dance of contractual commitment loomed. The joining of these two circles, each with its distinct dynamics, set the stage for a complex narrative where destinies intertwined, and the script of love remained unwritten. Little did Arianne and Chocol know, the chapters that awaited them held the potential to unveil unexpected emotions and redefine the boundaries of their contracted love story.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2023 ⏰

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