Chapter 20!

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(A/N Guys chapter 20! ohhh eemmm geeee! Hope you like it)

Hannahs pov

I rolled out of bed because I heard somone out in the living room of our huge hotel. Well, that and Harry's fat ass was hogging the bed and blankets. It was cute and all but I wanted to sleep. 

I opened the door slowly and walked out in Harry shirt and underwear. Well this is gonna be awkward if its Louis. I walk into the living room and Louis pacing around staring at his phone. I rush over to him and put my hand on his shoulder trying to get him to stop. 

"Louis! What is wrong with you? Wheres Kirsten..?" I asked slowly noticing she wasnt here.

"She said somthing on the phone...She she was walking...I was alone in bed ..when i woke up she wasnt there... Somthing about a baby..She found it...and ambulences and police...I DONT KNOW WHERE SHE IS!" He said and yelled the last, He colapsed onto his knees and started sobing into his hands.

Oh god I hope Kirstens okay. Cause now im starting to freak out! 

" Louis, its okay, its okay" I repeated trying to get him to stop crying, I knew he was worried about her, thats the reason he came with. So nothing could happen to her. I got up and ran to go get Harry and my phone. 

"Harry! Harry ! wake up now!" I hit him with a pillow over and over again until he woke up. 

"WHAT HANNAH" He yelled. "Get up and go into the living room its Louis, Kirsten went somwhere and somthing about cops and a baby or somthing! I dont know what to do!" I yelled back at him. His eyes widend as he quickly got out of bed naked of course.

"Harry pants" I said pointing to his suite case. "Oh yeah" He said throwing sweet pants on.

He ran out of the room to go comfort Lou. I grabbed my phone and checked what time it was, 8 am. 

I clicked on Kirsten contact and let it ring. " Hannah! , Hannah is that you!" 

"Kirsten! Oh god, where are you!?" I franticly asked.

"Im at mercy hospital!" I heard her say. (A/N This was the hospital i was born in i think, so it is a real hospital)

"WHAT ! WHAT ARE YOU DOING AT THE HOSPITAL!?" I yelled then heard Louis cry harder. 

"Its okay, i'm fine. Could you all just come here and i'll explain." She said queitly.  I replied with a quick " Okay well be there soon. "

I ran out to the boys and told them to get ready. I ran back into the room and threw on clothes, same with Harry. I grabbed our keys, I dont want to wake our security gaurds. "Come on boys.... Harry Louis lets go!" I didnt wake Morgan or Liam scince they were in a different room right now. 

We ran out to the car and I hopped into the drivers seat. We drove for about a half an hour which was killing Louis. When we finnally got out of the car we pretty much sprinted into the hospital waiting room. There was no sign of Kirsten so we went up to the desk and asked where she was. 

The lady at the desk had natural red curly hair and was maybe in her 30s. "How may I help you" She said politely. 

"Yes do you know if Kirsten Ford checked in to visit or anything." She took a clip board off the counter and check it.  "Yes she came in about 4 this morning, shes on the nursery floor room 2058"  

"Thank you !" I yelled grabing the two boys draging them to the elavator pushing the 'N' button. It went up 4 flights then stopped. I dragged the two being me and went to the room labled '2058' and slowly opened the door thinking of the worse. But it wasnt Kirsten in a bed it was a baby in a box. Kirsten looked up at us and rushed up from her spot on the chair next to the box. She wrapped me in a hug and squeezed so hard I couldnt breathe. 

"Kirsten..." I said holding her tight. 

She let go and ran into Louis arms. He started crying again but I think they were happy tears that she was okay.  I felt Harry intertwine our finger, I smiled slightly up at him, and walked over to the box with Harry. I put my hand on the glass seeing a small baby wrapped in a blue blanket, with a bunch of wires and tubes in him. 

"Whos this little guy?" I asked Kirsten quietly felling that if i talked to loud it would hurt him.

"I dont know, I just found him in a box on the streets."  

Kirsten walked up to the glass box and put her hand on the glass. I think shes takin a liking to this little guy.

Kirsten's Pov

I don't know what to do. I really don't. The hospital says I can name him scince there were no records of him or anything.  I feel as if I have a connection to this little guy. Hes so small. 

"Whats his name?" Louis asked, It was the first thing he said about the baby. 

"I dont know, They said I could name him though" I said looking up at Louis.

"REALLY!?" Hannah yelled jumping up and down with excitement. She stoped right away when the baby started to muffle a cry. I pushed the nurse button. And one came in right away. 

"Can we hold him?" Louis asked. Well that was different. 

"I spose so.." The nurse said looking unsure. She opened the box and pulled a few wires and fixed some things. The baby was still crying slightly but when the nurse handed me him he stopped and stared at me. He had big brown eyes and soft brown hair, like brown and white mixed it was really unique. 

I handed him to Harry but he started crying again so Harry handed him to Louis and he stopped. Then Louis handed him to Hannah and he started crying again. That was weird. 

Hmm, I grabbed him slowly from Hannah and he stopped again. Well looks like we know who he likes. Louis put his hand to his chin tapping it lightly. Then went behind me and pulled the back of my shirt up reveling my tattoo. It had Jake my old horse on it and his name. What is he doing.

"Lou babe what are you doing?" I asked him laughing slightly.

"Thats what you should name him." He said slowly putting my shirt back.


"Jake you should name him Jake!" Hannah giggled finishing for Louis.

Thats perfect, he kinda looks like jake to. Big brown eyes and brown hair instead of like fur. 

"Its Perfect" I said looking at him. I just found a new attachment.


Hey guys so hope you liked it ! Vote please for the next update! and if i get high numbers it will be a super long good chapter next ;)

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