1 - Death and Rebirth

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Aine dashed through the woods, the curses behind hurrying almost rabidly after the 12 year old boy. He yelled out in pain as his long brown hair was yanked pulling the small boy backwards to the ground.

A large black curse resembling a spider loomed over him as he looked up, his hair caught in the spider curse's fangs.

The boy desperately tried to yank himself away, screaming in pain as he tried to rip his hair in any way to free himself. He seethed with rage, he WOULD kill that bastard someday. Someday...

Tears welled up in the boy's eyes as the spider lifted up a leg and slammed down.

Everything went black.
"M-maki another one is over there" said a 13 year old Mai worriedly, gazing at a writhing orb covered in scales with malformed limbs sticking out of the sides of it. It was emanating a small groan and though Mai tried to ignore it was trying to communicate with her, muttering quietly.

"Mai, take my hand" said Maki, holding out her hand. "I'll lead you past it"

Mai grabbed her sister's hand and closed her eyes, Maki guiding her past whatever the curse out there was.

Maki walked straight down the hallway not seeing anything. She continued guiding her sister until she felt Mai stop.

"What's wrong?" Asked Maki turning back and looking at her sister, recoiling after seeing the look on her face

"It- its asking for help"

"Huh? I thought they usually talk when you see them"

"They do but not like this. It's asking US to help it... it says it's hurting"

"And? Just ignore it Mai" Maki said tugging Mai's wrist

"It's begging me now" Mai said, stepping back from where Maki presumed the curse her sister was seeing is. "It- it said my name..." she slipped her hand out of Maki's taking a small step towards the curse.

She slowly bent down and put her hand out, recoiling a little bit until...

"MAI BACK AWAY FROM THE WOMB NOW" yelled Chojuro Zenin turning the corner and entering the hall. Two large fists made of stone blasting out of the wall on either side of both the womb and Mai, Chojuro clearly not caring if Mai was caught in the crossfire.

"MAI!!!" Maki screamed out


She couldn't see the source of the words but Maki, along with the other two Zenin heard the shaky words. The two fists shifting away from Mai and slamming into each other, one of them slipping off the other ricocheting back toward Chojuro.

He stopped the movement of the hands a second too late though, getting hit and sent flying through the wall into the room behind him, knocked out cold on his ass.

Mai dropped to her knees as maki turned back to her, shocked at what just happened. She ran up to Mai going to help her up.

"Thank you" said Mai, Maki watching as she picked up what seemed to be an invisible basketball. "You did that right?" Mai asked the spirit in her hands, though Maki couldn't see it.

"I see, Aine... that's a nice name"
I did say I'd do a JJK fic. Don't worry about the Chojuro mention, that's the only non anime character I plan on including until
Post-Shibuya Incident stuff. Hopefully y'all are in a better mental state than I am right now and I bid you all adieu

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