Chapter Two: The Fearless Vampire Killer

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[Drew's P.O.V.]

Sitting in my biochemistry class, my face flushed an embarrassingly bright scarlet, I scribble across my notebook, whispering to myself.

"Please don't let him be in my class...I don't know what I might do if he's in here too...the embarrassment may be too much for me to-"

"Excuse me," I hear the same Cockney accent as before, softer now than in my last class, "do you mind if I sit here? Only, there don't appear to be any other uninhabited seats."

What. The. Actual. Hell. Is someone out to get me? Why is he here too? Is he following me?

Oh I have a STALKER?!

"Uhm. Sure. I guess." I mumble.

"Thank you." He slips into the seat next to me, bag under the desk in a matter of seconds. "What are we learning then?"

"Uhm." I never really pay attention in this class. "The teacher is away doing some kind of course. So we're doing revision." I slip a piece of paper out of my notebook, pushing it across the table and leaving it sitting in front of the new guy. "Carbon cycle."

"A little...easy, right?"

"No. Not for me." Who even cares if some smart-assed kid thinks our curriculum is too...too preschool for him? He doesn't run the freaking school.

"Oh well," he pushes the sheet back towards me, "I know the carbon cycle already, thanks."

I snort. He's up himself!

The assistant teacher traipses into the class, gnawing loudly and unattractively on an apple. "You know what you need to do." The teacher growls. "You do your work, I'll do mine." The second bell rings, and everyone begins working. I flip through my study guide, sighing. None of this makes any sense to me!

"You're better at English than biochemistry, am I right?" The new kid leans closer to mutter, and I shift my chair so that I'm further away from him.

"Uhm. Yeah."

"Do you not like me or something?"

That question, as sudden and unexpected as it is, gets me. I cock an eyebrow. "Sorry, you what?"

"I said, do you not like me or something?" He says each word with a deliberate slowness that has me grinding my teeth together in agitation.

"I heard you the first time. And...I don't even know who you are. How can I determine whether I like you or not?"

"You know my name. Which is..." He waits for me to finish. He's testing me.

And dammit, I've forgotten his name.

"Uhm. Your name doesn't matter."

"It does if you want to get to know me better." He props an elbow up on the desk, cheek resting against his hand. His brown eyes glare, challenging me.

What a stuck-up dick.

"Maybe I don't want to get to know you." I narrow my eyes.

"Your body language begs to differ. The way your body is turned to face me, even if your head isn't, suggests interest, and perhaps even physical attraction. You see, you're too open, too easy to read. Your stubbornness suggests reluctance to let me in, but as you continue to speak to me and answer my advances I'm going to rightly assume that you're crawling back into your own shell. There's something you don't want others to know; you're reluctant to become better acquainted with me in case I learn of this secret of yours."

Holy mother of Jesus and bless my dearly rusted cogs. He's spot on. "Uhm. What?"

"Your speaking in monosyllables suggests a further reluctance to converse, and a possible disinterest in typical formalities."

I doodle a small panda on a blank page of my notebook, not listening to what he has to say about my drawings suggesting "lack of interest in school subjects".

"...Would you like to get a coffee sometime?"

My head snaps up to meet his amused expression. "YOU WHAT?!"

"Your surprise suggest that you haven't been listening either." He smiles sweetly.

"Stop analysing everything I do!" I snap.

"That wasn't analysis. Simply observation, and clear fact. It's obvious you don't care for me, nor for my speaking to you. I'm correct, yes?"

I just snort.

"Well, at the very least, know that I meant what I said in our English class. You're beautiful." He says it loudly, shamelessly, gaining disgusted titters and hooting laughter from the rest of the class.

"Shut. Up." I hiss. My reputation in this place is bad enough, without this kid making it any worse!

"Why should I? It's obviously true. Why silence the truth, when-"

"Shut the hell up." I growl. "You don't know what the guys in this school are like. They'll beat you to a pulp if they suspect you're different."

He chuckles. "I could take them." He says confidently.

"I doubt that."

It's simple: new kid + being over-confident + the five toughest kids in school = beaten to a pulp and locked in a dumpster. No doubt about it. I write as such on a blank page in my notebook, ripping it out and handing it to the new kid.

"Never mind handbooks. This is all you need to know." I mumble, going back to flipping through my study guide.

"You were beaten to a pulp and locked in a bin?" More laughs from the back of the class. Probably the culprits of that particular act. My face burns an even deeper shade of scarlet than before.

"Shut up." I glance up at the new kid, my stomach doing flip-flops as I meet his gaze. Silently I curse my overactive teenage hormones. I'm such a girl sometimes... "We speak no more of what was said in that English class. Agreed?"

"Whatever you say, beautiful."

I grind my teeth again.

"That's not a healthy habit, you know, grinding your teeth. You need to keep your teeth sharp. For eating meat, innit." The last part is clearly mocking.

"I'm a vegetarian." I mutter, eyes scanning a section on genetic engineering in biotechnology.

"Oh. Well I like meat. I love it especially rare. All blood and gristle."

I think, if I'm not mistaken, he's trying to deliberately make me feel sick and embarrass me.

"What the hell...what are you, a vampire?"

It would certainly fit his appearance, anyway.

"Nah. But, between you and me..." He leans in closer to mutter in my ear as he did before. I resist the urge to edge away; if I were to move any further away, I'd be sat on the floor. "I'm a vampire killer."

Uhm. You what?

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[Author's Message]

I haven't updated in so long! Like, a whole fukka year! I'm so sorry!! Please don't hate me! And if you've waited this whole time, and have stuck by waiting, for this chapter, then I salute you. And I want to hug you all. *infinite panda cwtches*

I actually had 15 other chapters of this story up, ages ago, but they all vanished. And I kinda lost them. Silly Panda... I'm rewriting this story from scratch, new plot, new characters, different personalities and characterisations...tell me what you think! And, keep in mind I'm working on several other projects at the moment, so I'll try updating as regularly as I can, though it'll be really difficult!! Bear with me!

Keep the peace, stay awesome and faith always...Bevers 0(@.@)0 ;; x

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