Chapter 6 : The Demon King?

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Kyoka POV

"Wake up, Wake up!" Tanjiro was yelling in my face. I attempted to sit up, but I lost my balance and fell. I caught myself just in time, I could've hit my head again! "I'm so clumsy," I grumbled. I stood up to see the scene had completely changed. We were outside a city and next to an udon stand. "HOW LONG WAS I OUT!?" I screamed at him. "Few hours I guess." He replied. "WHA-" I was hit with a demon's scent.

Tanjiro dropped his bowl of udon and ran off. I quickly ran after him. "Why does this scent seem familiar?" I asked myself. I followed Tanjiro into the crowded city. There were so many people, I had never seen so many people in my life! (Then again, I couldn't remember half of it....) I looked up just as I smacked into Tanjiro who had grabbed a man's shoulder. We both slammed into him, and I fell backward. I scrambled off the ground and began brushing the dirt off my pants. "We are terribly sor-.

I couldn't finish my sentence.

The demon's eyes were red and cat-like, but other than that he looked human. He was holding a little girl and was talking in a cool and collected voice. Tanjiro was utterly stunned. He couldn't pull his sword out, I frantically reached for my kunai knives, but Tanjiro grabbed my hand.

Just then a woman came towards him. "Oh dear, what's wrong?" she asked. "Mommy!" the little girl squealed. The woman laughed and looked at the two of us. "Do you know these two dear?" she asked. "No not at all. What a nuisance." the demon replied. "Perhaps they have mistaken me for somebody else?" he said. The demon slashed at a nearby man causing him to stop and feel the back of his neck. "No, no, no." I knew what was happening, but I couldn't stop it. The man was turning into a demon. The man turned demon bit down on his wife's shoulder. She screamed out in pain and terror. Tanjiro leaped forward onto the demon and wrestled him to the ground. I heard the demon say to his 'wife': "Rei this is dangerous. Let's move away." I turned his way to confront him, but I couldn't bring myself to hurt him. He was getting away! I couldn't let him, but I couldn't move. "Muzan Kibutsuji! You won't get away from me! I'll follow you to the depths of hell and your neck will feel the edge of my sword!" Tanjiro screamed.

So, the demon was Muzan Kibutsuji? Then I had to follow him even if it meant going stealth mode and following him around, I had to go! I jumped up onto a roof and began to follow him.

Muzan POV

Her scent.

I need it.

I want it.

I want her.

"I've got to get rid of the stupid humans first." I sighed. Rei immediately looked up and asked: "What's wrong dear?" I sighed again. Humans were such a pain. "Nothing," I said. We soon came to a carriage that I had take Rei and Haruka away. "Are you sure 'you don't want to come with us?" Rei asked, concerned. "It's fine I'll tell the police to keep a lookout." "Daddy, aren't you going to come with us?" Haruka whimpered. "Daddy has to go to work." I smiled. "You be good for mommy," I said, and I sent them off.

Kyoka POV

"This guy's not that hard to follow. I thought he would give me at least some sort of challenge." This made my job easier though. He was walking down an alleyway when a drunk guy bumped into him. I couldn't quite tell what they were saying but Muzan looked mad. With one fell swoop, the man hit the wall and was dead. Another guy was kicked up into the air and died. The lady that was with them, was killed by...his finger? Whatever he had done, it had melted her away from existence. "How the hell did this guy get so strong!? Well, he won't stop me!" I gulped and leaped off the roof.

"Don't think I don't know where you are. Your scent gives you away entirely," he said slyly. "Wha...What do you mean?" I stuttered.

"Oh, you really are clueless." He sneered.

This got me mad. I whipped my kunai knives out and rushed towards him.

Bad idea.

My kunai knives were in both my legs and my left arm was twisted so far that it felt like it would come off at any moment.

I couldn't move.

He pushed me against the wall so hard that I could barely breathe.

"It hurts." I managed to gasp.

"If only you would've listened to me." He sighed.

I felt the butt of one of my kunai knives hit the side of my head.

That was all I remember.

Intertwined Fate (muzan x oc)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora