Morning - Chapter 2 -

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As my eyes fluttered open, a cascade of morning sunlight painted my skin in a warm hue. Blinking against the sun's intrusion, my hand instinctively reached for my phone. Twisting my wrist to face the screen, I focused on the time: 6:45 AM.

"Finally, I've woken up in the sixes."

Why did I mean by that? Of course, I said that because I wanted to wake up at this time. I usually wake up at around 7:00. I didn't want to be asleep anytime before that. Luckily, I fell asleep really quick yesterday.

"I'm still surprised that it took me a while to get to sleep... I'm usually asleep by 2am...."

Despite my pessimistic ways, I tried to look on the bright side. I got onto my phone and clicked on the YouTube icon.

"I know it's quite irresponsible for me to wake up early just to get on my phone, but I need all the time that I can get."

My recommendations, a gallery of tutorials, tempted my curiosity. Drawing, D.I.Y, writing – a feast for the creatively inclined.
I decided to watch a drawing tutorial, because I was looking for a way to improve my art skills. They were degrading pretty fast, and I needed some tips to help me.

Opting for a drawing tutorial, my finger landed on "5 mistakes that beginner artists make."  It was 10 minutes long, so I could watch all of it as well as having more than enough time to get ready.

I watched the video, locking my eyes onto the pencil as it slowly drew on the page. There was a voice of a young girl speaking as the video played. She was explaining some tips on how to improve art by using the correct colours and whatnot. I finished the video, being pleased with the tips and got out of bed.

Clothing fell into place – shirt, skirt, socks, and jacket – forming my armor for the day. Descending the stairs, a small white note beckoned my attention on the kitchen counter.

"Hey honey! I'm sorry but you'll have to be home alone today because me and dad are busy. Please don't call or text unless it's an emergency. I'll keep checking in on you every once in a while! xoxo, your mama"

Perplexed yet content, I sighed and moved to the living room. Mom had laid out my essentials on a chair – tie and headphones. I first took my headphones, securing them firmly onto my ears. Next I took my school bag and put it on my back. Then, I put on my tie, trying to remember how to tie it and then walked out the door with a light smile gracing my face.

As I stepped out into the morning air, the neighborhood came to life. The familiar sounds of birdsong and distant traffic filled the silence, accompanied by the rhythmic tap of my footsteps on the pavement. The quiet streets echoed with the soft rustle of leaves, and I was surprised optimistic about this day. Perhaps it won't be as bad as usual.

Maybe, just maybe!

Wandering down a meandering alley, I unexpectedly stumbled upon a petite park drenched in the golden hues of morning light. Intrigued by the scene, I decided to venture in, where the grass delicately graced my shoes with each step.

"Eh, I'll take a different route to school today I guess."

I walked through the park, glancing at the flowers and the trees. I watched a kid run past me, nearly knocking me into my knees.

As I continued my quiet stroll through the park, a familiar voice called my name, causing a subtle flinch. "Ashley! Hey, wait up!"

Turning around, I spotted my friend Jake hurrying towards me, his backpack slung over one shoulder. A timid smile graced my lips as I waited for him to catch up. "Hi, Jake. Long time no see, I guess."

"Yeah, I thought that was you. What's up?" he asked, his easygoing demeanor a stark contrast to my own.

"I, uh, decided to walk to school today," I mumbled, my gaze momentarily drifting to the ground. "Just felt like it."

Jake nodded, seemingly unfazed. "Mind if I join you?"

"Sure," I replied, my voice softening. "I mean, I don't mind! You can if you want.."

As we walked together, the park transformed into a backdrop for shared stories, though my responses remained measured. Jake's laughter filled the air, and I occasionally mustered a smile in response. The journey, once solitary, now carried the weight of social interaction, and my steps felt a bit more uncertain.

Approaching the school gates, my anxiety heightened at the thought of facing the bustling corridors. My fears came back to me once again, and I was scared. Jake knew about my problems, and he just grabbed my arm and leaned into me.

"Hey, ash. It's okay. You know, I used to have a bit of social anxiety when I first arrived here. Though now, I've grown out of it. It's just a temporary thing, don't worry."

My brain didn't like the sound of that last sentence. I tried to shut myself up, but my mouth just spoke without warning.

"Well, I'll never grow out of it."

Jake just looks at me worryingly, and then turns to the path in front of us.

"We should start getting to class, don't ya think? Science is horrible to miss."

I look at him straight in the eyes.

"Yeah, I guess your right."

Jake takes my hand and walks into the school gates, budging through every person, group and gang in the way. Then we arrived at the school hallways, one of the worst places to be in. I made a loud gulp before Jake pulled me into a big crowd, trying to get through it. We kept going and we started walking up the stairs. He kept to the left side whilst I kept to the right, and we arrived at the third floor in no time. I laughed to myself, panting heavily because of how fast I just ran.

"Oh my god... Jake... why did you do that?"

"Maybe because I don't want us to be late."

"We have so much time!"

"Not exactly. People are going to start flooding the corridors quick, so we need to arrive beforehand so that we are ready, prepared and early!"

I stared at Jake as if he was a genius, then turned my head to look at the door. It was time for once again another wild school day... of course.


Word Count: 1114

Well, I finally got this chapter done. Have a good day/night. 3am, and I'm exhausted.

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