3 (will update)

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"Dan, how are the sewers? Any sign of the infected?" The officer looked into Dan's eyes, keeping eye contact. Dan always had some sort of trouble with eye contact, always trying to avoid it at all costs but he had no escape here, he respected Dave and did not want to ruin anything between their one-sided bond.

"Nothin' out the ordinary, sir." the Dumpster Diver replied, trying his utmost hardest to maintain contact.

Dave softly shoved Dan away with his hooked hand, looking slightly on edge. Dave did not HATE Dan but he did not enjoy the fact he was all up in his face, plus, he smelt horrid. Dan shrugged, still keeping himself close to the officer, it was a sign of safety.

Dan was the type of guy to wrestle a possum just for a loaf of bread. He was not on the 'polite' side personality wise. Though he did have manners still, just rarely used as no one was ever very pleasant to him, but hey, he doesn't blame them.

Dan was used to taking slack, he never took it to heart, usually laughed it off or made a rude remark back. It was like a silly little game to him, probably the best way to take it. That was one thing Dave liked about the dumpster diver, his high humor and lack of offense. It honestly brought a smile to his usual aggressive face. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2023 ⏰

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