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Hey!! So I've been thinking about how I want to continue this story and I thought, well Yuka needs to go to school soon..... So, new scenery time! I've skipped to a couple months later. Enjoy!!

September, 20th

"Why are people staring?"

"'Cos everyone knows who you are,"


Kou looks down at me with an 'are you serious' face and sighs. "Well considering you made yourself number one teen model in Japan in less than a year, became the face of Carnivale magazine and Roses modelling agency, the two top modelling companies might I add, you would think everyone knew you. Especially in the teen world."

I guess, is what I thought as we walked through the gates of Kou's school, which now I'll be attending for the rest of the school year. And can I just say there is a lot of people staring as we walked to school. And it's slowly getting on my nerves.

After the first fashion show, I went through the work schedule pretty quick. Travelling here, there and everywhere. By the end of it I was tired but so proud that I made it through without stopping or collapsing. The commercials that I did spread through nationwide on a variety of TV programs and channels. The promo video for Okinawa's new traditional city was a success and the city is now up and running with thousands of visitors each day. The fashion shows were a success, but I never got to see the boy again which was a bit confusing.

Now walking into the school I have never felt this much nerves. I swear it is more nervous walking into a school where everyone knows you than working in front of people you don't.

An arm swings around from behind onto my shoulders making me scream and jump from surprise. I hear laughter from the source of the arm and look beside me to see Jay looking down at me while laughing with a mischievous glint to his eyes.

"You need to relax," he says in between laughing, "It's just school. And if anything happens we'll have your back so don't worry." Jay gives me an encouraging smile which fails as he remembers my reaction to his surprising arm swing and laughs.

"Yeah, thanks. I feel like all the world's problems are solved knowing you have my back." I reply sarcastically, but inside I feel so relieved.

We laugh as we walk into the schools main building as Kou says, "Come on. Let's get you to the office."


"Alright class settle down!" the teacher walks into the classroom followed by me. "We have a new student today. She'll be with us until the end of your junior high years so make sure you treat her well." the teacher nods to me indicating I can start talking.

"Hi, I'm Ortega Yuka. You guys might know me from magazines or commercials. Um, yeah. It's nice to meet you all."

"Good! Now my understanding is that you know Nakayama Kouichi, is that right? There's a seat open next to him so you don't have to sit around complete strangers. You can take a seat." the teacher indicates to the seat next to Kou. "Oh and I'm Tanaka Sensei. It's a pleasure to have you in my class."

I walk down the aisle to my new seat and breathe a sigh of relief. As I place my bag down I notice there's a small piece of paper on the table. I open it to see a familiar messy handwriting.

Nice intro! Tanaka is one of the best teachers in the school. Everyone loves him. He can teach most subjects so we basically have him every lesson. BTW, be warned of the crowd that will crowd you once the bell goes. And I'll show you around the school during lunch. After we eat though :) Kou.

I look to the boy next to me and give him a thumbs up in response to the note.

And the bell rings. All hell breaks loose.

"Oh my gosh! You're YUKA!"

"Why did you move here?"

"Do you like Japan?"

"What's it like working as a model?"

"Can I get a picture?"

"When's your next commercial?"

"Are you going to pursue your acting dream? Have you auditioned for a role yet?"

All these questions were thrown around like dodge balls it was hard to answer them, much less hear them. So I cleared my throat and everything went silent. Weird.

"Um I guess I moved here cos I got scouted and yes I do like Japan. Working as a model is fantastic. I love working with new people and getting to know the crew who kinda becomes your work family. Yeah you can get a picture. *takes picture* I don't know when my next commercial is. And I will eventually pursue the dream. Just not yet because I need to get used to modelling and schedules and everything." I answer all the questions and breathe a sigh of relief. Kou claps and with that someone asks,

"How do you know Naka?" (Nickname for Kou's last name, as Japanese people love their nicknames)

"We live next door to each other." he replies.

The people nod and goes "ooooooh!" as the bell rings indicating it is first period for the day. Here goes nothing.


"The amount of foods you can buy!" I'm standing in awe looking at the menu board in the cafeteria. All the varieties of mouth watering food, it makes a girl very, very happy.

"Yeah well, what can you say?" Jay is staring at the menu as well. Kou already left to order his food on the machine and is now waiting for his order.

"And its so cheap! Like 350 yen for a noodle meal. In Australia you could probably, if you're lucky, buy a small crappy burger from the canteen."

(Then currency is yen in Japan. If you exchange it to dollars its like cents. So 350 yen would roughly be $3.50)

"Hahahahaha! Well, I guess you'll be satisfied with the quality of school food here because it is amazing! Have you decided yet?" Jay says as he starts to make his way to the ordering machine.

I followed him there and picked out my choice. The food came out in less than 10mins and it looked like food that dropped from heaven! And tasted as great.

After we ate, as promised, Kou took me around the school. Jay tagged along but occasionally he would stop to talk to someone or walk slower because, as he would say it, "whatevs".

There were kids sitting around everywhere on their friend groups. but every time we walked passed them they would stop and stare. people do love their staring!

Occasionally I would get a person asking a question or ask for a picture. I would politely answer or take the picture with them, though it feels awkward.

I guess it's one of those things you just have to get used to.

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