22. Am I dreaming?

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We went to a very expensive club.
Sitting on a couch, he was talking to me.
"I know it's the first time you're talking to me , lets make it very easy."
He said.
"Yeah. Sure " I said.
"What things do you like? Like, hobbies." He asked.

"I love reading books. Mainly fantasy and thriller. And some romance." I said.
"Oh. I love books too." He said.

All along, he was very much invested in me.
Showing 100% interest.
Looking straight into my eyes.
But.... He's not Sabastian.

"I love that game!" I said.
"Yeah? Yeah!" He said. We were laughing, having fun. He is such a cool person.

He came up with a few drinks.
"Oh i don't drink."
"No. You should have some. Go for it?"  He said.
He pushed a drink on me and I had to drink it.



Max started to push more and more drinks on Haley. Convincing her.
Until, her vision blurs and she's basically unconscious.

He started to pick her up then to drag her.
She was not sane.
He dragged Haley near to his car. Her feet dragging.
He was about to open the door of his car and, someone pats on his shoulder.

Max turned around only to see.....
"What're you doing?" Sabastian asked.
"Mind your own business." Max answered.
"Where are you going?" He asked intimidating Max
"Dropping her home." Max said.

"Oh. Well I am her bestfriend, I can do that for her." Sabastian said while trying to hold Haley himself but Max tightened his grip.
"Max. My friend, I can see you spiked her." Sabastian said.

Max angrily pushes Haley onto Sabastian to run towards his car.
Sabastian made her sit down and ran towards Max.
He grabbed his arm.
Max punched him.
Sabastian punched him back. And they start fighting.

"You motherfucker. You spiked her. You were gonna take advantage of her." Sabastian said.
Sabastian beat the shit out of Max.

Sabastian put her in his car. And drove off.
" Why you beat him" Haley said in a drunk voice.
"You should sleep."
"Do you know how much I love Sabastian?" She said drunkingly.

Yeah. She was THAT unconscious.

"How much?" Sabastian asked.
"So much so I dreamt of him many times."
" He's so hot and cute and annoying at the same time." She said.

Sabastian blushed hard, he couldn't stop smiling.



I woke up in a familiar room.
Yeah. Sabastian's room.
I got up quickly and checked myself on the mirror.
I was looking the same as I left.
But I don't remember anything.

I walked out of his room, finding him watching TV.
"Sabastian?" I mumbled.
"Oh! You're awake." He said.
"How did I get here?" I asked.
"Oh. That max? He- He spiked your drink and you were very unconscious.
I saw him dragging you to his car and beat the shit Outta him."  She said.

"Oh. Fuck."
"Don't worry, you're safe."
"Thank you."

I sat beside him looking at the clock saying 7 pm.

"Do you have some sort of thing of saving me from thirsty men in the clubs? Cuz you're always there to handle it." I said.
"Hahaha it's fate. Coincidence." He said.
"Hmm sure it is."

"I heard that Steven is at Claire's right now." He asked.
"Yeah. Claire's parents love Steven." I said.
"And your dad?"
"My dad? He barely cares. But yeah he knows, he accepts.........My mom and dad never had a good relationship with themselves and us."

"Oh. I am sorry." He said.
"No. It's fine. It's totally fine." I said.
"You know you're so lucky to have a brother like Steven." He said.
"I know. He's god gifted. You know, when my mom and dad divorced, my mom died of cancer and my dad never took care of us.i never really saw my mom. Only a caretaker was the one. I just know that she died of cancer when I was very little.my dad was really rough on my mom and Steven." I said.
I sighed.

"I know doesn't want me to know but, I know that he was the one who took me out of that place. Hus first plan after turning 18 was to take me out of that. He never wanted me to be mentally unstable because of my family. I am very thankful." I smiled at him.

"I have no words. I am surprised how you guys handled it. Must've been hard." He said.
"It was hard but it made our lives easier. I am happy " I looked into his eyes and I could feel tension between us. I smiled as he did the same.

The surroundings were quiet.
The tranquility was peaceful.
I could hear the noise of the TV but I didn't matter. Couldn't break the tension.

He leaned forward and kissed me.
Couldn't process. And I backed up.
We looked at each other for a moment.

Time to be an opportunist!

I leaned forward and keeping my hand on his neck.
Wildly kissing each other.
I waited for this moment from a long fucking time finally!

He kept his hand on my neck and i laid on the couch while kissing him.
He was hovering over me.
We were making out for sure.
He kept slid his hand on my waist.

The bell rung.
We both flinched.
"Who is it?!" I asked.
"Lemme check" he said.
"What if it's Steven?" I asked.
"He wouldn't be.. he always informs me." He said.
The bell rung twice.

I sat on the couch as he opened the door.....

Am I dreaming?

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