Everything Stays Right Where You Left It

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Now let's get this thing back to the castle and finally complete our new home!"

SMG4 cheered as he stuffed the power star in his bag

"Finally! This place is freaking me out..."

SMG3 groaned as he followed behind Meggy and Mario who were already ahead of him

SMG4 stood next to SMG3 filled with hope and humming a tune

But suddenly Eggdog poked his head out of SMG3's bag and hopped out

The two meme guardians stopped in their tracks and looked at the tiny dog who was barking at them in an attempt to tell them something

"What is it, boy? What's wrong?"

Eggdog whined as he tried to lead the two somewhere

"Somethings wrong... We gotta go see what it is!"

SMG3 said as he grabbed SMG4's hand

"Wait, What about-"

SMG4 tried to protest against being down there any longer but seeing Eggdog's worry, it seemed like someone was in trouble

SMG4 sighed before turning to Meggy and Mario who were waiting on SMG4 and SMG3

"Here, take the star, you guys go ahead, We'll be back!"

SMG4 said as he handed Meggy his bag that contained the power star

"Ok, be careful you two!"

Meggy shouted as SMG4 chased after Eggdog with SMG3 into the castle through the broken window

As they ran through the castle while following Eggdog they stopped in front of a pile of rubble

Eggdog barked and whined as he scratched at the rubble, singling the two to help uncover what was under it

As the three moved the rubble they uncovered a little Beeg SMG4 that was covered head to toe in dirt and was passed out

"Oh my god! The poor thing!"

SMG4 gasped as he picked up the tiny meme to make sure it was ok

Thankfully it was still alive but it needed to be cleaned up

"Good find Eggdog!"

SMG3 smiled as he patted Eggdog on the head

"Alright... Now let's get out of here!"

SMG3 said as he picked up Eggdog and began walking back out of the destroyed castle

SMG4 followed behind him while staring at the creature in his hands

"Don't worry... We'll get you fixed up"

~ A Few Hours Later ~

As Beeg 4 awoke he looked around and noticed he wasn't in the castle ruins anymore, he was in some sort of RV

As he glanced around the RV he saw a man who had the same clothing as him, typing on a laptop

Beeg didn't know who this was so he stayed where he was and just watched him

SMG4 then glanced up from his screen and noticed the small meme he had saved earlier was up

The two stared at each other before SMG4 closed his laptop and walked over to mattress that was on the ground that Beeg was sitting on then knelt down


SMG4 said quietly and calmly in an attempt to not freak him out

"Are you ok? How are you feeling?"

Beeg continued to look at SMG4 bug-eyed and afraid so he just backed up away from him

SMG4 frowned at this but understood he was scared so he didn't dare to force a bond, but he could tell he was hungry so he got up and got him some food

As SMG4 placed a plate of food down in front of Beeg he approached the plate and sniffed it

SMG4 observed the tiny meme as it ate and kept a distance so he didn't freak him out

After a few minutes, Beeg had finished eating and was watching SMG4 edit a video on his laptop from behind him (SMG4 was still sitting on the floor)

Soon SMG4 finished editing, shut his laptop, and put it beside him

SMG4 then looked at the little meme that was staring at him with curiosity

SMG4 smiled as he grabbed something out of his pocket

It was a piece of candy that was decorated in a colorful wrapper

As he unwrapped it he held it out to Beeg in his hand

Beeg SMG4 looked at the treat in his hand, then looked back up at SMG4

"Go on, you can have it!"

SMG4 calmly said with a smile

Even though he still wasn't all that sure of SMG4 he took the piece of candy and put it in his mouth

As Beeg placed the candy in his mouth his eyes lit up like stars

He hasn't had something this good in months

As Beeg swallowed the treat he received some head pats from SMG4

It then made him realize this person wasn't gonna hurt him and made him feel safe

Beeg then crawled into 4's lap and sprawled out, getting comfortable as he fell asleep

As Beeg SMG4 began to sleep SMG4 nearly teared up cause of how happy he was

He then started petting the little meme in his lap with a smile

"Welcome home little prince..."

Everything Stays Right Where You Left It (ONESHOT)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن