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"Jooeun, what is Seungyeon's relationship with Hyunjin?" A man asked me, I was currently sitting in an interragation room being, well, interrogated.

"She hates him." I said with a shrug. The man who sat in front of me frowned as he looked down at his file, flipping through the pages before getting out a picture, it was of Hyunjin and Seungyeon kissing rather... passionately, in the garden of the mansion. "It... can't be." I frowned. "She hates him. Just... just like me."

"It seems your sister developed feelings for him." The man said, I shook my head, refusing to believe this. "Have you noticed anything about their relationship while you were still there?"

"No, not at all. I-" I frowned again as I started thinking about it. I looked down at the picture again, wondering if those fights they always had were just flirty banters, if she never planned on escaping, if she just waited for me to go away. That life always fitted Seungyeon more. I thought back to all the times we cried together, knowing we were stuck there. Were her cries genuine? I shook my head. "This must be some twisted plan Seungyeon has. My sister wouldn't love that monster."

The man sighed and shook his head but didn't push the subject. "Can you tell me more about the way Seungyeon was raised?"

"Well, she was taught strategies, how to fight, how to kill..." I trailed off, looking back at the photo of her and Hyunjin. "She was taught there's no love in the mafia. We both were."

"Do you think it means for sisters, too?" The man raised an eyebrow.

"It can't be... otherwise wouldn't they come after me? I wouldn't be alive or here if she had no love for me." I said, desparate to keep the image of my sister I knew all these years.

The man took out another photo and handed it to me. I took the photos and bit the inside of my cheek. It was the airport I landed in on the night I came back, I recognized the men who were looking straight at me as I made my way with the agent that brought me here. They were from the mafia. How did I not notice them before.

"This doesn't prove that they tried to kill me." I said.

"You're right, it doesn't. Because they didn't know you would come. You're lucky they didn't recognize you." The man leaned back in his chair. "Two hours later we recieved news that the security footage was leaked."

"I thought you said they didn't recognize me."

"I did. That doesn't mean they don't have people who review the footage. You know that better than me." The man said, pointing the pen he held in my direction and leaning forward. "Now, I will be happy if you give us straighter answers from now on, remember, Jooeun, we're here to help you."

I sighed and started telling the man each small detail I knew, from what flower she liked to her favourite fighting technique.

The man listened, taking every detail in and writing down a few notes. Soon after he dismissed me.

"Agent Star! Focus!" A man which I know knew as Jinho yelled. He was the one training me and the one who was supposed to be my partner from now on. "You need to start attacking, not run or freeze or that poor excuse of defend."

"Well, I'm sorry that I'm not built for this!" I yelled in frustration, Jinho sighed and his tense frame calmed down.

"I'm sorry, Agent Star." He walked closer to me, putting his hands forward a little. "May I?" He asked softly, I nodded, he then started correcting my position. "When you're faced with the enemy, you need to look fierce and strong. Your current position yells 'I'm not sure what I'm doing'." He explained, putting a finger under my chin and pushing it upwards. "Look the enemy in the eyes, you're not a scared little girl anymore."

He took a step back and smiled. "Perfect. Now, let's practice again."

I was slowly getting the hang of this, I wasn't a skilled fighter like Jinho, and I definitely couldn't beat him, for now, but I lasted longer than the previous time.

I fell down with a thump and groaned. "Come on, let's finish training for today." Jinho said, extending his hand to help me stand up, I took it and stood up.

"Thanks, Jinho." I said, he chuckled and shook his head.

"Remember, its Agent Moon." He said, his eyes sparkling. "You can call me Jinho after work hours, come on, let's go and have dinner."

"You think I'll be able to face Seungyeon?" I asked quietly as we walked through the hallways, the thought of fighting my sister wasn't one I enjoyed, but I might not have any choice.

"I'm sorry, Agent Star, but not any time soon. You're too new to the field and still need to train for a long time. Your sister has been recieving training since she was a child." Jinho explained softly. "But, one day I think you'll be stronger than her."

"Stronger than Seungyeon? I don't think that's possible." I chuckled.

"If you think its impossible, it will be. If you think its possible, it will be. Its all about the mindset, Jooeun." He said as we stopped, lightly tapping on the side of my forehead. "Remember that, okay?"

I nodded before we both entered the dining area. Usually Jinho went home after our training session but this time, he stayed. As we started eating I said the thing that I thought about the most. "Do you have a wife and kids?"

Jinho chuckled, shaking his head. "I don't, Jooeun. Neither do I have a girlfriend. Why do you ask?" His voice had a slightly teasing tone to it.

"Its not like that! I just... I don't know, you seem like you would be already settled down, so I wanted to know." I stumbled a little over my words as a blush appeared on my cheeks.

Jinho let out a short laugh. "Jooeun, I'm your age."


"Oh." He repeated with a small laugh again. "Don't worry, I find it cute." He teased.

My blush deepened as I threw a small piece of food his way which only made him laugh harder.

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