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I woke up, once again, on this god-forsaken couch. Friends re-runs were still blasting on the television, Aleks wasn't there.

I tested how well my wrist was doing. It didn't feel broken, but it still hurt like hell.

When I sat up to scan the room once more, my eyes locked on the massive window. It was softly drizzling. The rain didn't seem to stop here, it just picked up and died down. Looking over the wet, busy city was Aleks, clad in a black robe and running his fingers through dark hair.

"The world is cold and evil, Maya." I jumped at his voice, I didn't know that he was aware I was up.


"Don't you think so?" His voice was monotonous, and he turned to me with solemn eyes.

"Are you okay?"

"Who the hell attacks a defensless-"

"Not defenseless."

"-girl in an alleyway? Sick bastard. What would've happened if I wasn't there?"

"Speaking of which, why were you there?" I prompted.

"I go out in the rain whenever I can."

I was startled in hearing the exact thought that goes through my head, the exact explanation I give those who ask why I'm out in the rain, come from someone else.

"Why did you get so protective of me?"

"Protective?" that taunting smirk spread across his face again. He made it across the room and had me against the wall in a few strides and swift movements. "Maybe I only got you away so I could crush you myself," his voice dropped to that same haunting whisper. I decided to challenge him, to see how much he could be toyed with.

"I don't think you would." I said, smirking back and poking my finger into his chest.

"Oh?" His voice rose an octave, and he pushed me more firmly into the wall.

I cried out and clutched my wrist, sliding down to the floor.

He instantly dropped to the floor, searching my face. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean-" he started frantically, but I burst into laughter before he could finish.


"Crush me yourself huh?" I said through a fit of howling laughter. I was basically rolling on the dark, hardwood floor.

He sat back against the side of the couch, trying to hold back from laughing, but I could see the smirk creeping onto his face.

"You're a real asshole, yanno," he said, now chuckling.

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