Chapter 1

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Late at night, Spring began her third attempt at stealing something valuable than duffle bags of money and jewelry. Catching a glimpse of a very shiny looking object. Smiling, she knew what perfect object brings sweet relief and joy to her as she covers her face with a ski mask, hiding her identity and began crawling through the air vents that led to the bank that has been under construction for two weeks which is a really good spot from the past of how her two beloved friends who gave her the location, followed by the blueprint and the entail of the uniform she needed to wear for this type of mission. They knew she needed their assistance but who knows how long their friendship will last. 

She went through the bank to find the best route to get in through the bank, safe, and the lab that is located to the south side. Pulling herself up toward the tenth floor from the basement to the side, taking what she needed, stashing money in her duffle bag. 

By the time she reached the tenth floor, she had a disguise as a worker to get to the office to grab the janitors key which only gets her to the highest floor, changing her outfit and disguise everytime to throw the camera off due to the high tech there is. 

Once she changes her outfit to a janitor's outfit, she makes it to the elevator but one of the higher workers was confused at first, but she showed her red key, identifying as a janitor. The worker with her in the elevator gave her the cart that has the cleaning supplies on their, knowing he was going to do the cleaning himself, but he got his chance to take the night shift off. But when she got off the elevator with the cleaning cart, the cameras have an ai detection that records. She followed the blueprint which led her to the air vents that goes upward to the side of the building. She finds and reaches the floor she needed to be on to steal the virus which was still hard to get to even though there's no one there.

She then tries to find the main circuit board that controls the same AI for the power supply and security which every 24 floor their separate AI model to keep them in check. Which only the manager and the four employees only have access to and a different company that support the AI functions. The Mafia Leader was in a meeting with other leader talking about plans for the next ten years to control the public house, schools and how to spend the money. 

She was very close to taking the virus until she heard a click of the lock and one of the scientists who were doing an experiment on the virus sees the shadow hovering over the glowing orb, "Hey! Stop right there!" He yelled out. Attempting to grab it, but missed as a dart fly over her head, thinking she took it but ended up with her duffle bag full of the money and the stuff she stole, crashing through the window and jumps out to where She's strapped on the rope to where she's running down the glass window, successfully making it out of the nearest exit. None of them caught a glance of her, "Shit!" She whispered to herself and drove off on her motorcycle. But what she doesn't know is the ai video caught what she looks like, only to reveal a blurry image. While looking thorough the cameras, the guys was interested and curious about the mysterious person manages to do what she just did in a matter of time. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2023 ⏰

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