chapter one- Grade 12

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School. I'm back and trust me it was hell. Now when we walk in the door we all have to walk through a metal detector to make sure we don't have anything like guns,knives,weed, all that shit.

And waking up now was hard for me. My room was a total mess and there were clothes all over my room and bed. Also I had to lock my door extremely tight so my sister won't get in there and find all my weed and other shit. When she knocks on my door she is already hyped up for school and ready. Her name is Lucy. She pretends that we don't know each other and fake changed her last name to something else I don't know at this point. She loves me but I'm kinda in shit at the moment with the whole town thinking I'm crazy and killed all my friends.

My sister was always the one for the real world, not me. She was the one to move on, not me. When I wake up she is always there to make me feel better even though I know she is worried about me.

Lucy woke me up in her excited mood and I woke up later and put on the first thing that was on my floor that looked somewhat clean. It was a black hoodie and dark blue tight jeans. I walked down stairs and Lucy had already made breakfast for me but I was stoned and didn't feel like eating today. We walked outside. I stayed by the driveway and Lucy went out farther down the road so it didn't look like she knew me.

Not long after the bus came by and picked me up. I sit at the back of the bus and Lucy and her friends do too but they don't talk to me. I put my headphones on and listened to black hole sun by soundgarden. My bus ride is about an hour long. When we got to school I went straight to my locker and put my extra shit in it and walked straight to class.

My first class was geo. I hate that class with all my whole heart. I slept most of class while everyone else was whispering about me and talking about how I killed all my friends and blamed it on Mary Cooper, the queen of school.

There was one person that I did notice in my class who was not whispering about me. She was sitting in the back alone. She had blonde grayish hair. She had a cross necklace on and a black V cut shirt with an open gray zip up sweater. She was not wearing much makeup and she was so pretty. The teacher called on her and he said her name.


She had to stay after class for something that I was unsure about but I knew that I had to get to know her better. When the bell rang i went over to my locker and got my books and there was many posters on my locker saying





Things like that. It was not fun to see. Every time that I tried to take them down people would put more up. Someone even carved murder on my locker.

My next class was math and it was torcher. We were getting our test back and boy was it ugly. I got 43%.. I failed my last test, the one that I needed to graduate. My grades used to be 97% and now they are in the 40s. My teacher talked to me and told me that I'm unavailable to graduate high school. After that news I skipped the rest of my classes. And I could not deal with all the whispering and notes at my lockers.

I can always get away with skipping mainly because I'm eighteen years old and can do whatever I want but also because my mother is dead and my father is a drug addict and doesn't care. When I skip I always go back home and I just sit there in my room and smoke lots and lots of weed. 

( Hey guys so this was so boring to make so yeah.) 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2023 ⏰

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