Chapter 5:

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External POV:

When the meal was over, Meï walked Encre back to her room, Suave did the same for Jasper.

PDV Meï:

I was walking Sir Encre back to his room when he asked me a question.

Meï: Which one sir?

Encre: Why did you bring me here?

Meï: Well...... I can't answer you because I was just following orders, but you might find an answer in the library, follow me.

On my words we left in the direction of the library of the manor, once to return, I heard a familiar voice.

???: Good evening Mei.

Meï: Good evening Airas, this is Sir Encre, our guest.

Airas: Good evening sir.

Encre: Good evening, we come to find answers to my question.

POV Encre:

Airas was a human with ebony black eyes and hair, she seemed on edge.

Airas: What kind of question do you have sir?

Encre: About Fallacy wanting me here.

Airas: Give me a second.

She searched through lists of books as large as the number of drawings I've done in my life.

Airas: I found the list of books read by Sir Fallacy, there are not many but I don't know which one could help you.

She got up and gave Meï a stack of books, then we went back to my room, Meï left me and I started to read each book.

To be continued.........

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