chapter 1 : him again ?

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" ai'shiaaaaaaaa," a raven color hair boy scream as he can't remember where did he put his glasses

"Bro, calm down your glasses are with me" as his best friend hand him the glasses.

"Ahh, phew you saved my life ford, I don't wanna be late for my first day of work" fourth says as he put on his glass.

"Yeah I know, anyway you know the place we are gonna attend"


"The owner said, Beside satang and winny there will be two more people joining us"

"Do you know who are they?"

"How am I supposed to, iam a newbie like you too dumbass" ford says.

"Okie, let's go now, iam so excited, I want to make new friends"

At the restaurant

"Hey y'all, welcome " the owner says

"Sawatdii khap' iam ford and this is my friend fourth, satang, wimny" ford says as he hand him the documents of their band.

" Thank you, anyway I think I have already told you that 2 more people will be joining your band"

"One of them is my nephew and other one is his friend"

" Yess, where are they ?" fourth says excitedly

"There on their way I guess"

" Sawatdii khap' iam here phi" a tall figured guy with another enters the room.


Their eyes met. Fourth is in the  urge to cry

"Oh your here Gemini" the owner says

" This is Gemini my nephew and his friend mark , they are the one who will join your band"

"Can I go to the restroom" fourth says controlling his tears

"Yeah sure go one"

Fourth ran to the restroom in a hurry

"Excuse me" Gemini says as he ran behind fourth


"What do you want gem, why did you join my band, you know iam here, you want to manipulate me again right ,guess what iam not your fotfot anymore, you can never ever manipulate me again" fourth says as tears flowing from his eyes.

"No,no fot I never meant to manipulate you , you misunderstood me pls give me a second chance" Gemini says as he tries to hold fourths hand .

"Get the fuck away from me," fourth snaches his hand from Gemini

"And second chance? Huh I rather die than giving you a second chance"

"Now if you'll excuse me,"fourth exits the restroom while wiping his tears"

Gemini pov
I should have chased after him that day I messed up real bad I love you fourth iam sorry pls forgive me I never wanted to break our relationship I never saw you as a bet pls


Hi guys thank s for the views and votes but I hope those who read will vote plsss and let me know what do you think about my story anyways bye y'all

See y'all on next chapter

Love you and take care 😘

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