Dear Father

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My sadness turned to anger in the hell house you built.

My tears turned to screams I'd take out on my sister.

You thought she was my target but you're dearly mistaken.

I never want to hurt the ones I love, that does not include you.

You made me hate everything. You made me who I am. And you should be sorry.

She was never my target. You were. You always were. 

I had dreams about you. Me standing above your bed with a shimmering knife in my hand.

Or maybe you would prefer me to use one of your prized guns? You seem to care for them more than a failure of a child anyways.

Shall I feed you to the pigs? Or maybe ill burn your disgusting body instead.

I wished for the courage to free us from the hell. The hell I thought was normal for too long.

I learned. I learned like you never thought I would. I grew smarter than you. I was able to predict you. I knew everything you would say. 

Having my own voice taken away opened my ears so I listened. I listened for the ways to escape. 

My mother.

I knew what I would do. I would never return.

I would stay with her forever even after you thought I would come back.

I still remember the crooked smile you disgustingly wore when I said I was never going back with you.

I want to rip out all of your teeth.

I want you to suffer like I have.

I want you to feel all of the hurt you pushed on me.

I want you to rot from the inside out.

And I want to watch every moment of it.

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