Chapter one

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'My Past

It's so... Unforgettable.

The screams of the other countries.

The blood that dripped from my gloves.

The bruises that covered my skin.

The limp bodies that lay at my feet.

And Italy's reaction...

It burns into my mind.

His face, how scared he looked.

His hands, how bad they shook.

Oh and how he flinched when I reached for him...

I will never do it again.

For him.

For my little Italy.


"Germany Germany!"

My head jerked up. What was wrong with Italy?

"Italy?" Ever sense Italy moved into my house, I've always felt different about him. I got butterflies in my stomach, and I couldn't speak correctly to him. I usually snapped at him and scared him. I always felt bad.

"Germany! I need your help!" It sounded urgent. I rushed up to the bathroom where the voice was coming from. I threw open the door. I stood in the door way with my mouth wide open.

There was Italy. He was in the recently emptied bathtub... Butt naked... Ass in the air... His curl tangled in the drain. I felt myself flush and him blush.

"Germany... I was bathing and the bathtub began to drain while I was laying... And my Curl got stuck in the drain..." I was froze.

"Um..." I grabbed a towel and covered his buttocks that was in the air. Thank god that was all I could see. Italy scrambled but squealed when he jerked his head, yanking his curl.

I grabbed a pair of scissors but heard him gasp and go wide eyed. "No! Don't cut my curl!" He whined.

I sat the scissors down and walked over and began to untangle the curl. I got some pained shrieks from Italy. It always made me hesitate. "Italy, I'm almost all done." As I finished the sentence, the hair come undone. He popped up smiling.

"Oh thank you Germany!" He hugged me and the breath came out of me. As I put my arms around him, his towel began to slip. I went wide eyed as it fell all the way down. I coughed awkwardly. Italy noticed it fell and scrabbled to pick it up.

"Oh sorry Germany!" He blushed. "And thank you!" He kissed me on te cheek. I stood up straightening my shirt.

"You are velcome..." I said with a nod. I walked toward the door closing it. I sighed and leaned against the door. "God Italy... You will get the best of me..." I said walking away and toward a door.



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My Little Italy: Hetalia Gerita FanficWhere stories live. Discover now