Stellar Whispers: Conversations in the Night

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Beneath the velvet curtain of the night,

 Stars emerge, each a tiny, gleaming light. 

In the vastness, a cosmic ballet starts, 

As strangers, we converse with the distant hearts.

Silver sparks, pinpricks in the dark, 

Stories etched in each celestial mark. 

A celestial dialogue, silent and bright, 

Between us and the strangers of the night.

"Hello," whispers one in a distant sky, 

A beacon in the vastness, catching the eye.

 Elegance in simplicity, a cosmic art, 

Conversations written on the canvas of the heart.

They share tales in their soft, twinkling code, 

Secrets in the starlight, along the cosmic road.

 A celestial dance, a language so clear,

 In the quiet conversation, no need to fear.

A stranger's glow, a celestial friend, 

A bond unbroken, though worlds may end.

 In the vast expanse where mysteries are spun,

 We find connection in the light of each one.

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