Announcement bout possible rewrite

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Yoyoyo everybody! So, I was kinda looking through old chapters of the book while making the new chapter, but then I kinda felt like this book wasn't very good and to be honest I'm surprised it was as popular as it was. Yeah, I was kinda very young when making those chapters and my writing skills have definitely upgraded even tho I am kinda rusty rn. Sure they are still not the best, but definitely better than before. So with my upgraded writing skills I felt like I should rewrite this story. Well, it is less of a rewrite and more of a do-over, like just fixing misspelled words, making things make more sense, having more buildup to some things and stuff like that. Let me know if y'all want a rewrite or not.

(I'll probably rewrite it if no one comments.)

(Also, if you suddenly see that every chapter is gone it's likely that I'm rewriting the story)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2023 ⏰

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