Chapter 5

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Amethyst P.O.V

Rushing through the halls with two plates of pancakes was almost impossible. And to top it all off, I had to get on top of the roof. It was 8 o' clock in the morning but Jack and I barely woke up to eat.

As I walked back into my room, I ran into the risk of falling down again because of the ice below my feet. Successfully, almost, I made up to the roof top where Jack was creating little animals out of frost. The cutest moment ever.

He spotted me and patted the spot next to him. "Pancakes?" Snowcone smiles.

"What, you hardly ever eat." I laugh at Jack and his ways of thinking. "That's probably why your so skinny!" I grab a hold of his wrist just to prove my point.

"Ehh. Whatever." Jack shrugs off and digs into his plate.

"Jack, can you make those little figures from earlier?" I ask quietly.

"How long have you been here?" He sounds creeped out, I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad one.

"Long enough to see the figures."

"Yeah, sure." He waves his hand in midair and at first a blue electric light flashes. Suddenly a small rabbit appears and circles around me.

I stare in amazement at Jack. I grab the rabbit and I can actually pick it up.
"This is so cute!" I rub it against my cheek making the rabbit copy my actions. "And you said there was nothing cute about being the Spirit of Winter! Look at this!" I shove the rabbit in Jack's face.

"That's not cute."

"Jack, say its cute."


"Why not?"

"Because its not cute."



"Fine. You leave me no choice." I let go of the bunny and tackle Jack to the floor. "Say its cute."

"Just because your on top of me doesn't mean that I'll say its cute." Jack laughs.

"What if your ticklish?" Jack eyes widen in fear. "So you are." He wiggles beneath me, trying to get up. I go for his stomach and he laughs like crazy.
"Say its cute!" I demand while continuing to tickling him.

"Never!!" Jack tries not to laugh but its impossible for him. This is the most I've seen him laugh.

"Okay! Okay! It's cute." I get off and play with the rabbit while eating the pancakes.

"Is this your first time making these?"

"No. But your the first person to see it work in action."

"Yes! I'm a first in your life." We continue like this. Jack eating his pancakes ever so slowly while I play with the rabbit.

"So you and Cupid." I'm shocked that I stop making the rabbit dance.

"Yeah. What about Cupid?" I go back to playing with him or her.

"That's not what I meant."

"Then what did you mean."

"You know what I meant." He snaps his fingers and the rabbit is gone. He took the only thing that wouldn't make this conversation more awkward then it already is.

"What about Cupid and me?" I draw little shapes on the snow below me.

"Can you stop making this so hard on yourself?" Jack snaps.

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