Hey stranger

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Eve p.o.v
It was after school and I was in the library with Anyla

Anyla: can you help me with this

Me: I would but I have to study for a history test

Anyla: ugh I really need help with this science packet

She put her head down

Me: I'm sure someone in here has Mrs jones class

I started looking around

Me: I spy with my little eye..Jordan

He was sitting in the corner bopping his head to music and writing fast

Anyla: I don't know-

Me: just go over there

Anyla: fine fine
End p.o.v

Anyla p.o.v
I grabbed the packet and walked over to him

Me: excuse me

He looked up at me

Jordan: yeah

Me: umm can you help me

I pointed at the packet in front of him

Jordan: I could but you have to tell me why you were pointing at me in the lunchroom last week

Me: fine I was pointing at you cause I said you were decent looking

Jordan: uh thanks

Me: so are you gonna help me

Jordan: did you read the book

Me: no

He wrote his number on the packet

Jordan: just text me and I'll help you

Me: okay
End p.o.v

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