Chapter 1

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          In the morning, the breeze from the windows soothes my thoughts, combined with birds chirping and blue skies. I occasionally question whether the world I live in is indeed paradise for me. In actuality, though, it isn't. My life has been filled with hate and trauma. 

          My name is Shalom. And I'm known for being a cruel person. I had no mercy for the people who had destroyed my life in the past. There is one person in my life that I despise the most. And he goes by the name -Unknown Mysterious Guy-. A man who takes advantage of my kindness while disregarding my existence. 

          I've been having a lot of trouble keeping my sanity because I'm a lady with low self-esteem. Everything about my past trauma was depleting my sanity to the point where I wanted to exact vengeance. I know it's not the correct thing to do, but I think it's my way of dealing with my past.

          *a phone call comes in* - Shalom took the phone with her bare palm. "Hello, male chief, why is there such a sudden phone call?" "Did I do a mistake again while on the mission?" Shalom in a puzzled tone. "There is no problem with you on the mission; I simply wanted to ask how your day is going?" "Are you comfortable enough to live inside this eastside building?" Male Chief with an inquisitive voice. "Um, sure. I'm feeling more refreshed and happy now that I can see Christina and Rahu again. "I'm feeling a lot better here."

          Male Chief went on. "I'm glad to hear you had a good time with Christina and Rahu there." If something awful happens, please notify me rather than dealing with it on your own. Remember that I, Christina, and Rahu are all here to help you. That's all I had to say." Male Chief put out a pleased voice when he realized Shalom was having a good time at Eastside Building.

          Shalom sighed slightly as she hung up the phone. Shalom whispers to herself, "I guess Male Chief will never know about my next plan."

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