8.Shards and Butterflies

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It became a week after the incident. I no more looked at his face nor spoke to him after that, except the times with his family that we had to put up the happy couple act just because he didn't want his mafia to be in the hand of someone else. Of course I'm on a gunpoint, never getting a decision of my own on this matter. We were having one of the constant fights. The same argument over and over again.

"Stephan, it's just a mall." I took in a deep breathe. "Let me out." I tried to make my voice sound bold and brave in front of his unnerving gaze. This guy was testing my patience.

"For once."

I was planning on escaping but this guy won't even let me breathe the outside air. Feels like I'm living in a prison.

We'll I'm a prisoner.

He glared at me with his icy blue eyes, sitting stiffly in his office chair. I matched him with the same energy, staring at him, daring him to deny me.

"Or...." This was the only way. Just this once I would try to threaten him. "I would tell Nathalie about this whole act."

"As you know, she trusts me more than she does you"

A complete minute later he let out a sigh of displeasure. "Just once" he said. "Just this once" he repeated.

I mentally cheered but stopped myself from any physical reactions. My thoughts stopped abruptly by his next choice of words.

"Mark will drop you to the shopping complex and he'll keep a watch over you"

"Don't do anything stupid, Ella"

He knows. He knows that I hate when he used that nickname but I didn't care when the reality of his words reached my brain. Mark. That ugly Hyena was told to come with me? Fine. I'll teach him not to underestimate me. I am much more better in combat than that Hyena guy.

His lips twitched, pulling up to a smirk as he saw my reaction. I was disgusted but the expression only lasted for a few seconds when I understood he wanted to make me feel uneasy.

He's not getting me.

"Mhmm" I shrugged. "Couldn't care less"
For a moment I wondered why he couldn't come with me. Work, maybe. Anyway, why does it matter? I huffed at the change of attitude that was a new contradiction for my present. It's becoming more prominent.

My thoughts about him.

Most of the time I'm locked up in our room. (As we both live in his parents house. You know what that means.) My mind wandered on to thinking about him.

What is he doing now? When will he be back? Is there any other woman he's seeing? Someone else who is spending time with him?

And that particularly one thought makes my blood boil and I never knew why.

Why should I care who he fucks?

When I see him smile at a joke Gabriel said. I would apparently wish it was me who was the reason for his smile.

Everytime he holds my hand during dinner. The touch send me butterflies.

Everytime he kissed my cheek and ask me what happened when I'm deep in thought in front of his parents. The fake concern makes my stomach jolt.

This unnecessary reactions are what scares me.


Something that was more unnerving than family dinners were that...

We were having a party thrown at Alxeria to make our wedding offical next month. Then the whole world will know that I, Camila d'mello, is the woman that the famous Stephan Alfonso De Luca, the CEO of Luca Corps was going to marry.

I have to escape before that. Before the world knows.

Before everything.

And this, this was my chance.

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