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Jaelin wasn't actually serious when he said he wanted to be a Sugar Daddy in his chat with Yura in the middle of their group assignment.

At that time, his head was clouded, he couldn't think because he was too concerned about his dwindling finances, not to mention that he had to replace the Lab item he broke last week during practice. The price is no joke. His analyst teacher, Sion Songesengnim, always charges him wherever Jaelin is. It's embarrassing to have debts, so as much as possible Jaelin doesn't cross paths with Sion songsengnim.

He wanted to borrow money from Yura, his best friend in arms, but he didn't have the same fate. Jaelin's fate was even sadder. However, Jaelin couldn't borrow money from Yura even though he was quite a rich man's child. There's a reason.

Yura lives an extravagant life, likes collecting lots of expensive items from HTS idol figures since they debuted, amazingly now the boy band is five years old and already down to earth. The ads are everywhere and Yura collects them all. He can even open an HTS museum if he wants. He also bought clothes worth tens of millions that his idol wore at the airport. Surprisingly, Yura's parents actually support their child's behavior.

If Jaelin was like that, her mother would definitely kick her off the family register.

But even though he was extravagant, his pocket money never stopped flowing. Because
Yura has two older brothers who work and like to give Yura pocket money. Jaelin is jealous, super duper jealous.
Even so, he was embarrassed to borrow money from him because he had often borrowed money and never paid it. Yura didn't mind because she didn't really care, her parents were rich and always gave her extra pocket money.

In fact, the first person to offer Jaelin money was Yura herself during break time after Jaelin broke the practice equipment. Jaelin emotionally refused,

"I still have shame. Please keep your money away from me." _When he said this Jaelin actually looked at the money and cried
"I'm so embarrassed, I owe you too much." And Jaelin even remembered the debt he owed Yura which had accumulated written on the receipt he had stuck to his bedroom wall.

Yura told Jaelin to forget about her debt because she was sincere, but how could that be, right?
Jaelin promised to pay for it. Later.., yes later..

Then, now Yura will pester him to immediately get a Sugar Daddy because Sion Ssaem looks like he will hold back his report card grades.

"What if you don't go to class because you haven't paid your debt?"

Jaelin had a headache. He needs money.


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