give me the damn drugs!

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(authors note; one part was written by another friend yippie we love it here guys/tw; mostly carman.)

It was another day of school, which would've usually annoyed Cartman, but now... He had a purpose. To take Nicole's heart. And he wouldn't stop until he did it successfully. He sat on one of the cafeteria seats as he gobbled the lunch down like a pig.

His friends were used to it at this point, and they didn't even care. But, some of the food accidentally splashed onto Kenny's orange parka, the gross chunk sticking onto the fabric.

"Dude, what the fuck?" Kenny protested, raising an eyebrow as he eyed the fat boy up and down.

Cartman side-eyed him, mouth stuffed with food. "What, Kinny?" He questioned, slightly annoyed.

Suddenly, all of his so-called friends stopped talking, all of them gawking at Cartman as if he committed the most heinous crimes ever, which he has.

"Cartman, you're eating a little grosser than usual..." Stan remarked, his eyebrows furrowed in concern.

"Oh yeah, it's cause I actually gotta see my girlfriend after this, that's why I'm rushing." Cartman claimed, not bothering to make eye contact with the boys as he stuffed a chicken wing down his throat, nearly choking to death.

"Gee whiz, Eric, you have a girlfriend?!" Butters chimed in as he crushed little white stuff with a stick.

Kyle let out an annoyed grunt, profanities begging to escape his mouth. "She's not your girlfriend, fatass, she-!"

"Don't listen to Kahl, he's just jealous." Cartman interrupted the Jew, but then he noticed what Butters was doing. "Butters, what the hell are you doing?"

"Oh, you see, Eric, I'm just- I'm just makin' a gift for Nicole!" Butters gave him an innocent smile, continuing to smash the little blocks of white. "She told me, uh... She put cocaine on her gums so I'm smashing little bits of chewing gum for her!"

Cartman's heart dropped to the ground as he stopped chewing momentarily.

"You... You mean Nicole as in 'Nichole' right, Butters?" The fat kid began, his voice deepening as slight anger grew. "Nichole Daniels? Tolkien's ex-girlfriend?"

"Oh, nonono, I mean Nicole as the girl from 12th grade!" Butters confirmed, grinning.

"..Why would Nichole Daniels do coke?" Kyle remarked.

Cartman's expression dropped, a frown replacing his previous smug smile when he talked about Nicole. His Nicole. "What." He blankly said.

"Not you too, Butters..." Stan pinched his forehead as Kyle nodded in agreement.

"W-What? What's the problem?" Butters stopped what he was doing, looking at Stan with concerned eyes. "You- You told me you liked Ari, and I like Nicole, so... what did I do wrong?" He stuttered.

"Well, yeah... But Ari's kind of– You know." Stan began explaining. "...Not a bitch."

"Oh, hamburgers... Nicole's a bitch?!" Butters exclaimed, his face contorting with sadness.

"Yeah, she's a bitch, but she's my bitch!" Cartman retaliated, slamming his hands on the tables so hard that a few students looked over at him, weirded out.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2023 ⏰

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