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In a dark setting in silence there, A girl could be seen running, breathing heavily and panting. Her steps urgent and throbbing. She was running without a break, with a constant fear and nervousness etched on her face and urgency in her steps. She was occasionally looking backwards to check as if someone was following her. Though her body was partially covered in blood along with some injuries and scratches on her limbs, the pace of her footsteps kept on increasing gradually until her footsteps stoped to find him infront of herself.....

Arjun: Isha? *he choked*

Isha: Arjun... *she winced*

His voice trembling with fear to see her in such a miserable and vulnerable condition. She collapsed on the floor as darkness consumed her. Arjun swiftly bend near her, with trembling hands he cupped her face and shaked her shoulders trying to arouse her.

"Isha!! Open your eyes! Please, look at me. I'll not let anything happen to you, but please open your eyes for once." Arjun exclaimed.

After a while of trying to make it up to her he finally got relieved to see her opening her eyes. Isha slowly opened her eyes blinking a few times. She clutched her head.

"Isha! What happened? Are you okay? Speak to me dear.." Arjun's voice trembling with fear as he saw Isha clutching her head.

"Arjun.." Isha whispered.

Her face had a slightly sly smile with a smirk emerging on her face, While Arjun looked at her with wide eyes and confusion.

"Isha?" Arjun whispered his voice lowered with fear and confusion.

With a sudden change in events, Isha pulled out a dagger from her pocket and stabbed Arjun to death.

Arjun: Isha!!! *he screamed*

Panting and sweating he looked around to have been woken up from a dream, a nightmare that shook him up to the core. He looked around convincing himself to calm down. His throat got dry with fear, he jumped out of his bed to have a glass of water on the table nearby. He took a sip with his trembling hands taking a moment to realise that it was just a dream. Stress lines emerged on his forehead. He placed his hand on his heart to feel himself.

"Calm down Arjun, it was just a nightmare. Everything is normal, Everything is fine." He whispered to himself.

He took a deep breath and opened the curtains of the room allowing the sunlight to penetrate into the room. After a few minutes of consoling himself, he made his way out of his room towards the kitchen to see his wife Isha, as she is usually in the kitchen by this time. But to his surprise she wasn't there in the kitchen instead there was a small note kept on the table. Arjun realised it maybe Isha's message so he stepped forward to take the note in his hand which says...

"Good morning Arjun. Sorry I had to leave early today due to some heavy pending work but I'll try to get back soon. Breakfast and Lunch is packed and kept of the kitchen shelf. Have a great day"

He sighs but his eyes reflected some irritation. Without further delays he kept the note back on the table and started gathering his stuff to prepare to go to work...

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