Back to school

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*The alarm clock rings*

"Ngh..ugh". *Kyla groaned*

*It was now morning,the first day of school*.

*There was a huge thunderstorm the night before so obviously the everyone will be wearing coats*.

*Kyla then got up and started her morning routine which first begin with his skin care*.

*She took his tea tree skin foaming face wash and soon mixed it with some face scrub*.

*It felt so relaxing especially when smith  has social anxiety and has to go to school today; the first day*.

"I feel so exhausted.. didn't get enough sleep.. why does stress exist..


"Whatever let's get this day over with.."

*She continues his routine by brushing his teeth and fixing his hair*.

*Iron clothes* *gets a burn*.

"Shit! Ow..what a great start to the day..ugh"

*Dresses in her school uniform*.

"It's officially the first day of the third term. In AIHS- America's international high school."

"I think mom left pancakes for me..I don't have enough time to eat.. besides I'm already 15 minutes late."

*Rushes out the door*
*Reaches to the school gate*

Security: hey kiddo..or should I say class valedictorian you're late for school..May I ask why?

Kyla : It started of stressful that's all I can say..

Security: well u better head to school then..I'll open the gate for you..*opens the gate*. Go on in..I don't want you to be more late.

Kyla: thanks you so much..*enters the school*.

*In the school grounds*.

Hall monitor: where's your hall pass Kyla?.

Kyla: here.. *gives it*.

Hall monitor: alrighty you can go now..

*Kyla sighs and takes a deep breath as she reaches herfirst class*.

*Knocks on the door*.

Teacher:(miss Tessa) yes come in.

Kyla: *enters*. Morning miss..sorry for my late coming...

Teacher Tessa: its ok just go sit by jaydon..

*Kyla heart thumps*: *in a soft shakily voice*: can I sit somewhere else..?

Teacher Tessa: no..there is no more seats left..

Kyla : ok fine..
*Sits by jaydon*.

Jaydon: hey nerd. long time no see

Kyla: *ignores him*

Jaydon: *pulls her hair*.
Answer me

Kyla: ow!.. dude what's wrong with u?!..

Jaydon: answer me.

Miss Tessa: Kayla and jaydon both of u detention!..

Jaydon: whatever let's go..

Kayla: this is all your fault..I wouldn't be here stuck in detention

Jaydon: hey watch ur tone with me and do I give a damn..?!

Kayla: *the shouting of Jaydon restored Kayla's memory that he was the bully that she feared*.

I-i.. whatever..

Jaydon: cat's got your tongue?..~ hmm..?

Kayla:..*looks away*.

Jaydon : why'd u looked away u scared are sum...?

*Kayla stayed silent as jaydon persistously told her to look at him*.

Jaydon: whatever..I don't care bout
you anyway *closes his eyes and tried to fall asleep*

*Let me note that the room only had one chair that Jaydon was now sitting on..Kayla legs got tired as she in the corner trying to avoid him at all cost*

*She tried sitting on the ground but it'll make her uniform dirty so she tried leaning on the lockers but too much noise was filling the air*.

*Jaydon groaned*
*"What  are you doing?"* *He said with a cold tone with one eye opened*.

*"N-no thing.."* *Kayla responded frantically as she sighed*.

Jaydon:*"It's clearly something.."*
*He opened both of his eyes and saw that Kayla was struggling to find a place to rest since anywhere she went always felt uncomfortable*.

*Kayla looked down a bit embarrassed*.

Jaydon: *"ur so annoying..just come here.."*.


Jadon: *takes her hand and drags her back to where he was resting*.

*"Sit on my lap and don't make a sound.."*.

*Kayla blushes*

Jadon: *puts her on his lap*.

Kayla: I-..*eyes widen*.

Jadon: what..?.

Kayla: what are yo-...

Jadon: *puts his finger over her lips*.
Shh..ur so annoying.. *returns to his rest*.

Kayla: *her mouth shuts and she blushes a bit*.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23 ⏰

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