Ripping the title off

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   "Are you for real? Are you childish or do you just suck at revenge?" I didn't appreciate Luke's criticism but he hasn't been struggling with Zach. And as far as I know, he's been living like a king, typical. I rolled my eyes but tugged him with me down the hallway so I can explain myself.

    "Do you not know me? I'm not dumb ok, but honestly it's the number 1 thing that will drive that boy insane. You try being me for a day and dealing with him, then you can talk but until then don't be jelly" I stated. He started to say something when my name was being called from down the other end of the hallway, there he stood with my best friend and not that sorry excuse of a barbie doll. "Run?" I looked at Luke with a shrug.

   "Run" he stated and we did just that.

  I'm not a typical track star or anything but we ran like we were in one of those action scenes when theres an explosion and you have to run then jump in slow-mo like a ninja.... I need to stop watching movies. "Look Maya, your cool beans and I love you and all but do I really have to run with you? Like can't we just hide behind a garbage can and call it a day," he pulled on my arm with a pleading look. I shook my head though, I can't tolerate his lazy-ass syndrome.

  "Suck it up, since we have Gym next we should just hide in there," seemed legit to me.

  "We have class with them May."

   "I know, but still we should just go there instead of running around in laps like Tom&Jerry. On the bright side you get to hide so shut up and lets figure out how to get pass them," he sighed obviously unhappy but nodded at the same time. We looked around corners sending the 'go' signal when it was clear and before you know it we were sitting on the stage in the gym. "That was kinda fun, it was like a whole James Bond movie or whatever that shiz is called!" yeah excuse me for being overly happy and feeling badass.

"You are defiantly one of a kind." And I actually agreed with him.


"Shut up here they come!" Luke covered my mouth and dragged me to where the locker rooms are.

"I swear if you drag me in the boys locker room-" Vicky's voice came first, then Dylan and Char. "Ok ok, shoo" maybe if I just hide in here and stay quiet; I can make it out alive. Then I would be missing class though, I can't afford miss any classes even if I don't like them. I threw my hair in a high pony tail and put on some gym attire incase I'm forced to go out and listen to Zach. My blue hoodie, black joggers and blue sneakers as usual are in my bag neatly folded thanks to my case of OCD.

"Ok maybe if I just pull the hood over my face, they won't notice and-"

"MAYA?!" Charlotte screamed. I divided to the corner of the room and covered my body with a bunch of covers to the indoor pool. Not the brightest idea since it smelt like sweat and chlorine, but it would have to do. "Maya I know your in here because your never late for class and you wouldn't miss one for anything."

"Ladies!! Get your little butts out here and get ready for some real good work outs!" They all groaned and I could hear the shuffling feet. When it was safe enough for me to peak up, I saw no one around. Deciding to pull the hood over my face, I ran out in hops of not being late.

What I didn't think through was the seeing part. Completely dumb on my part, I know and honestly I felt ashamed for a split second because before I knew it; I ran straight into a back. Please don't be Zach, Jesus do me a solid!

"What the heck? Maya?" it wasn't Zach but it was Dylan. I point a finger over where my nose would be but ended up just cutting my nose with my finger nail. "Maya are you ok? You're not acting to bright."

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