A.N. from an excited bookwyrm

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Hello, everyone, and welcome to the final rendition of Forgotten Legends!

Before we even begin, I must pause for the briefest of moments to thank you for taking the time out of your day to read this little adventure of mine. It is a novel, yes, but it is also a world that I have kept secluded inside for years. For the longest time, I did not know how to express myself. I never stood up for myself and I didn't understand how God intended for me to make a change in the world when I couldn't even raise my voice to express myself.

And then I discovered writing and it became my source of inspiration. Here, I found people (and dragons) with whom I could relate; I discovered a realm in which I could say exactly what I wanted to without fear of stammering, tripping over my words, or saying everything in the wrong order. This became my outlet, my way to make a difference, free of judgment and free of rejection.

My name is Kat Wingfree and I am a newly graduated college student (Class of 2022) with a passion for all things writing, adventure, superheroes, and dragons. I have a degree as an Occupational Therapy Assistant with a gear toward the pediatric population (birth-18 years of age) and that is the same range I scope for my novels. My stories have meaning, purpose, and lessons that I believe all people should understand; whether or not they were raised in such a fashion; kindness, respect, responsibility, loyalty, honesty, and so many more. My characters experience these same emotions, some for the first time, and along the way, they learn how to use these attributes to better the lives of their family, friends, and those around them.

That being said, this particular series is especially special to me. I have written so many stories, each unique and tailored for a particular purpose; however this collection of books (for this is the first of many planned down the line) speaks differently to both myself and those who read it. The characters are more than just genre stereotypes and anime predictions; they are part of me. Each and every dragon you see within these pages is some kind of reflection of me and who I am as a person. I am not a very vocal person when it comes to my hopes, dreams, and desires; I am so much more of a follower than a leader, so this is my way of...coming out and expressing myself in a way I have not yet learned to do outside of the pages.

For example; the main themes you see in this book belong to a drake who has serious doubts about his own capabilities and a fear of standing out. He doesn't want to be seen and he has tremendous anxiety when the time comes that he has to step up and be a leader.

But that won't stop him, and I won't let it stop me either.

This is my first book and the one I greatly desire to publish one day soon, so any comments and support would mean the absolute world to me. This is my second draft and I believe it is getting close to being completed for good, however, there will still be a few changes in the middle portion of the book and any constructive criticisms will be strongly taken into consideration.

Once again, thank you for taking the time to read my little pet project, and may the Winged Five guide you as you journey on...

<<<Things You Should Know Before Reading On>>>

1. Forgotten Legends is a tale that takes place in a faraway galaxy totally and completely separate from this planet and the events that have shaped our world. Any relations to actual history or events are entirely coincidental. The same goes for people or places; unless I approached you in person and explicitly asked your permission for you to be incorporated into the tale, any relation is pure happenstance.

2. Though I do tend to write in a calm and passive way, there are times when things can...escalate quickly. Please remember, these are dragons we are working with and dragons tend to have a more aggressive nature. For that reason, this book is rated PG-13 for fantasy violence and occasional gore/death. You have been warned. Other than that, you should be in the clear. I do not curse and I do not delight in profanity so you will not find either of these here. I only ask that you respect that and please do not ask me to write such. I am thrilled that you enjoy the story that much, but please save that role for someone else.

3. I always interact with my readers, so, if by some circumstance, you do not see a reply from me, please do not panic, there are times when Wattpad will fail to alert me of notifications for a few days. Rest assured I will find them one way or another (even if it takes a while and I find them a year later while doing an edit).

<<<One Last Thing>>>

"For man looks on the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart." ~1 Samuel 16:7

Forgotten Legends | Defenders Book #1 (FINAL VERSION)Where stories live. Discover now