"Hey hey! who-"

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-Shuichi Saihara/3rd person pov-

Shuichi didn't know what to feel. Well, no that was technically wrong, He already felt something. dread, fear, anxiety perhaps? But he couldn't place it on anything. He didn't know why he felt like this, like something bad was going on, Like something was missing. He could only just go about the week in his normal routine, trying his best to force that dread down and forget about it for the time being until nighttime, where he constantly looked back over his shoulder walking in the dark back to his dorm and laid in his bed staring at the ceiling, unable to sleep. He had a deep gut feeling that he had forgotten something important, but he couldn't quite place it, why?

...No wait-


That was more like it. Shuichi remembered at least that it wasn't a something, rather it was a someone. But who?! He still couldn't remember, how did he even forget in the first place? Shuichi never had bad memory, being the ultimate detective and all that, he had learned to memorize things quite well for investigations, so why did he draw a blank whenever trying to remember this mysterious person he had forgotten? It was strange, he has a clear memory of the months(??) they've spent trapped at this school, but there's blurry spots in the images or the entire image was blurry. A mess of... Purple and white in the blurs, he'll try to remember those colors at least...

Those were his last coherent thoughts before dozing off into a "restful" sleep...

Shuichi woke back up in the morning calmly, but with a cold sweat along his forehead and his sheets tangled. Usually evidence of having some kind of nightmare, but he felt as fine as he could feel with not being a morning person. Did he forget his nightmare immediately? That quick? It was unlike him. But he didn't have any time to continue worrying about it as the morning announcements suddenly went off, snapping him out of his thoughts abruptly and letting him take control of his body again.

He just sits under his blankets for about a minute before reluctantly getting up with a groan, groggily walking over to his wardrobe, grabbing one of his many copies of the exact same outfit and heading to the bathroom to brush his teeth, shower, have an existential crisis, and change.

Once Shuichi finished his morning routine he starts heading for his dorm door, surprisingly he almost, almost, forgets his hat, grabbing it off of his nightstand last second and putting it on as he opens his dorm door, gently closing and locking the door behind him before slipping the key into his awkwardly placed chest pocket, before he starts walking away though He pauses for a moment to look at the assumedly empty dorm beside his (yes I don't know the order of the dorm placements so I'm making it up sue me.) that he's always got a weird feeling about, the dorm nameplate blank and lacking a picture of the owner, he just stares at it for a bit, long enough that anyone who happened to catch him would probably be creeped out, but snaps out of his thoughts before he can get too invested in investigating it (haha), walking off and heading to the dining hall for breakfast.

And by breakfast he means a cup of coffee.

Shuichi sees his friend, Kaede, as he finally reaches the dining hall, which is a somewhat annoyingly long ways away from the dorms, Kaede seems to finally notice him and pauses her conversation with one of their other classmates to greet him with a soft, kind smile and a small wave, to which Shuichi slightly waves back, taking a brief glance around the room and noting that all of their 15 classmates are there, although Kirumi seems to be in the kitchen of course, "and that strange 16th seat is as empty as ever...", before tilting the brim of his hat down slightly and walking over to his self-proclaimed seat next to Kaede. The ever empty 16th seat is on his other side, with Kaito, Maki, and Rantaro sitting across from him. (Could you tell that I don't know the layout of the dining hall either)

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