Chapter 1- The murder

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"I am telling the truth! I saw big canines and red eyes. That can not be a human!" I whisper-shouted at Sarah, looked around to check if anybody heard me.

"You were so tired. That could be an illusion. That's why I wanted to drop you off." She huffed and rolled her eyes.

I told everything about last night to my best friend Sarah, but she didn't want to believe me a bit. The whole night I could not sleep thinking about that scary monster.

God, its eyes and teeth looked so scary. I wonder what its face looked like, obviously more scary than its eyes and teeth.

Sarah and I were sitting in the cafeteria of our college, eating lunch during the lunch break.

"Believe me or not, I saw a monster. Today I'm alive because I ran as faster as I could." I glared at her for not wanting to believe me.

"I'm sorry, Ana. But it's the twenty first century, girl. There cannot be any possibility to survive a monster this decade. If you keep telling people you saw a monster, they'll think you're a mentally unstable girl." She chuckled.

"Your idea about the monster's existence is totally bullshit. But fine! Whatever you think, I don't care." I huffed and rolled my eyes.

After college, I went to my locker to get some books which I needed for tomorrow. When I turned around to leave, I crushed myself with a tall hard figure.

"Oops, I'm so sorry. I should have seen where I was going." I bent down and quickly picked up all my books.

"I'm not going to take your apology like this, Ana." I heard a familiar cocky voice as I quickly looked up.

"Oh, hey Rickard. Umm, why?" I said nervously when my baby blue eyes met a pair of grey ones.

Rickard was the captain of the football team and popular guy in our college. Every girl was dying for his handsome celebrity akin face, muscular body and genius mind. The cheerleader Kimberly always used to hang around Rickard's neck though he seemed bored at her useless unreasonable blabbering but he never seemed to complain. Some students were gossiping that they're in a relationship. But I noticed how Rickard kept looking at me and how he took the opportunities to talk to me.

"Unless you don't come with me for a cup of coffee. There's a new cafe ten minutes away from our college and I've heard the recipe of their coffee is awesome." He grinned, leaning forward slightly.

'What the hell am I hearing? The college nerd and most handsome guy of our college literally asked me for a coffee date?! I'm sure I'm dreaming.' I screamed mentally.

"Well, I don't think so. I've got something―" I spoke but he cut me off.

"Then I'm not going to forgive you for this big crush." Well, I didn't expect this.

"What? It's not fair. Ugh, ok." I cleared my throat and huffed.

"Good. Let's go then." He grinned in victory.

He led me to the parking lot of our college and stopped in front of a black Mercedes. My mouth was hung open.

'How the hell am I supposed to sit inside this car.' I gasped, not loudly I hope. 'It's simple, stupid, just put your ass on the seat.'My inner girl slapped me.

Rickard open the passenger side door and motioned me to get in. I nervously get in and he shut the door. He went to the driver's side and got in.

"So, tell me, Ana. How's your job going?" He asked starting the engine.

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