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   Looking out my window I could see it was just a little drizzle starting to pick up when I came back with a book and my glasses in hand. I loved days like this, some people call them depressive days because of how grey, cloudy, and rainy it gets. But I like to call it my relax day nothing else can calm me down like the rain hitting my window especially when I have a good book. But even with the book I know I can't control my emotions that are strong like the window blowing up against my window. Just as I was about to make it to the next chapter latrice came in my room scaring me into dropping the book and frowning up at her.

"Love are you finished reading? I have something to tell you" she's bouncing from one foot to another and looking in between me and the book on the floor.

"Oh no I was just finishing up the book that's why it's on the floor right now" I playfully glare at her as we both giggle with each other.

I know I can never really stay mad at her for so long, she's like a big sister to me. We've known each other since middle school, long story short she stood up for me against a group of punks as I would like to call them. From there I knew we were gonna be together forever, she even introduced me to some of her friends like audery, kirsten, and ling. We're a small friend group but I wouldn't have it any other way I love them so much I even agreed to be roommates with latrice not knowing what I was getting into.

"Well you know how me and the girls always talked about wanting to do dance"

"Yea what about it? Did y'all find a dance studio yet?" She sat beside me holding my hands basically squeezing the oxygen out of them.

"We found a dance studio! It's called justjerk and we put in for a class tomorrow!" Jumping up and down STILL holding my hands.

"YAHH latrice my arms and I'm so happy for you girls! Y'all are really great dancers and I can't wait see you dance in the class" hugging her so the torture on my hands and arms would stop.

Noticing the air in the room shifted we stopped jumping and she side eyed me, but with an apologetic face. I know she didn't do what I think she did? Did she sign me up with the three of them? I can't dance I have two left feet for crying out loud. The only dancing I've ever done was for when my mom would ask me to do that lil dance I learned at school and I STILL messed up.

"Latrice...what did you do"

"I might've signed you up as well...no hard feelings rig-" I pulled my hands away from her and started walking to my bookshelf.

"You and I both know I can't dance! Why would you do that" calming myself down but still sneering at her, how and why would she do this to me? I'd rather stay home and read.

"Because I've been watching you for the past two months since we finished college, you don't do anything but stay in your room and read"

"Have you ever thought maybe I like being alone AND reading lala? I don't like being around other people especially a big crowd like that" I saw it was getting dark out, still pacing around I walked to the bathroom.

"I only signed you because you promised you wouldn't be like this anymore. I see your face every time you come downstairs or when your looking into space" she stood by the bathroom door as I was finishing up getting ready for bed.

"And it only gets worse when it rains...you promised no more blue days, I hear you at night sometimes crying or when your talking to your self or when your hitting your chest to make the pain go away" she came and sat by me on the bed, the look on her face hurt me to my core...is it really that bad?

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⏰ Last updated: May 22 ⏰

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