~Return Home: Chapter 23~

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"That's why you've been trying to take me to Vernon?" Horizon growled, half in anger, half in surprise.
"Yes, I was hoping that fool would tell you," Dara said.
"You've been following her around this whole time and you couldn't tell her yourself?" Frostheart retorted.
"Well, you certainly got your wish," Horizon said, ignoring Frostheart's remark to Dara. "You took me to him and got me and the other kittypets in trouble!"
"Be angry!" Dara growled. "I warned you when you left the camp that you would see your friend again and that it wouldn't be a happy reunion."
"Could you both please shut up?" Russetfire interjected. "You should've told her. We can't take back anything we've done now," she added to Dara.
Silence flitted between the four cats for a moment, three of them living and not see-through.
Finally, Horizon asked, "How's everyone in SunClan right now?"
"Ashpelt's doing fine," Russetfire said, obviously trying hard not to roll her eyes. "But there was recently an attack on the camp led by Half-Sight and some of his rogues."
"Yes," Frostheart said. "It was difficult trying to get to Moonrock after it."
For the first time since the start of this conversation, Horizon noticed a hideous scar on her left leg.
"It's healed, but she can't fight if it comes down to that during a raid," Russetfire said. "Thankfully, her leg was the only thing that was damaged in the attack. Nothing worse has happened so far as far as I'm aware."
"I can still help heal the Clan though," Frostheart said to her mentor. "I don't need to fight. I just need to be able to help my Clanmates after they've fought."
Russetfire nodded, but Horizon could sense that she felt somewhat guilty about what happened to her apprentice that had once belonged to Ashpelt for a short while.
"You should come back with us," Russetfire said. "It's probably better if you explain rather than us. We're only medicine cats."
"You're still more trusted than kittypets," Horizon said. "And anyway, I explained what was done and how I ended up in the rogues' camp. What else is there to explain? Who's to say they won't just try to kill me the minute I step inside that camp?"
"They won't," Frostheart said determinedly. "Ashpelt's been restless. He doesn't know if you're safe or not and he's been worrying his tail off nonstop for the past three moons."
"Just come with us," Russetfire insisted. "We'll make sure nobody tries to take sneaky shots at you when you enter."
"As much as I want to see Ashpelt again, I'm not coming back with you after what your Clan did," Horizon said with a scowl.
"We won't force you to, but hopefully we can persuade you," Russetfire said. "In another three days, all the Clans will be gathering together in Skystones where we can hopefully sort some things out."
"Why would I be needed there?"
"Every cat connected to the Clans or the rogues is at risk of being recruited or killed," Russetfire told her. "The Clans don't want to recruit anyone, so we're gathering in CloudClan's camp to get ready and band together. We're expecting a raid on Spirestar's Clan so we need to work together."
"That still doesn't tell me where my position lies," Horizon said. "It's a very vague version of saying, 'We're going to have a big fight, want to join?'"
"Spiralstar wants you to join the fight because she knows Ashpelt trained you briefly so you could defend yourself if needed," Frostheart said, clearly annoyed. "The others who voted you stay have been angry with Spiralstar and Reedtail recently after they booted you out. Spiralstar regrets, Reedtail does not. She still believes you're working with Vernon and Half-Sight. That's part of the reason we want you with us. Reedtail and some of the others think you'll side with Vernon after what we did if you haven't already."
"I'm never siding with Vernon, but I don't want to serve Spiralstar either," Horizon said stubbornly. "I don't forgive her or Reedtail."
"Then do it for Ashpelt," Frostheart insisted. "He misses you more than anyone else in the Clan. I mean, we can all see why. If we can't change your mind by the time the Battle Gathering starts, that's fine. But if Vernon comes here and asks you to join his side of the fight, refuse."
Russetfire cast a glance over her shoulder at the darkening sky. The storm was soon to come.
"We must be off now," Russetfire said to Frostheart. Turning her attention back to Horizon and Dara, she nodded. "Whatever you decide, just don't die, for Ashpelt's sake."
As Russetfire and Frostheart left, Horizon sat in the cold wind that stirred the tree branches and dead leaves.
"Will you be going?" Dara asked.
"I'm not sure yet," Horizon said. "I need to think."

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