Flying From The Past

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Jada Point of view_

The feeling in my stomach was making me sick, here it is me and my brother Jayden was flying from L.A to Chicago for the rest of our lives to stay with dad. Since my mom passed when we were 9, my aunt had signed papers for her to have us. Dad was becomimg depressed and was becoming a drinker and a steady one he thought it was best for aunty to keep us until he got out of rehab.

Those 4 years he was in rehab was hell, aunty on my mom's side was a bitch she hated our father Will and said he was the reason of her heart attack. Of course my brother Jayden reassured me that was not the case me an jay was twins except for my names Jada. That period of time I listen to rihanna alot my favorite by her and Justin Timberlake was rehab, that song made me feel and dream about what my dad was going through.

Over time I learned to put up with aunty's mood swings and annoyance some times, I would just lock myself in my room and cut. I gently slice my wrist to let the fustration and pain I had swelled in my heart escaped watching my red blood dripped in the sink.

My brother soon found out and told aunty she thought I was a emo hippe and sent me and my brother to live with my dad and his new wife. She was pissed always screeching about *Social Services locking her ass up and stuff*, typical aunty screwed up mind.

Not only that was bad but her husband Richard I hated him with everything I had inside my soul, he abused my brother punching, threating him, yelling at him. Aunty said "he loves him that's why he does it" I say he does it cause aunty stresses the fuck put of him to the point of abuse to feel better about himself he also drinks alot of beer.

He's not the best husband he rapes, neglects, cheats, and beats the poor woman to death but she just stays with the asshole. I blame her stupidity on herself because she's too good to leave the damn man dumb as bitch. In my head I'm not nice I'm mean and I keep alot of stuff inside sealed for me only.

As the plane captain announced over the broadcast that we were landing my, stomach finally stopped jumping and left me alone. Jayden was knocked out i gentle shook him as we rode on the runaway to the airport. He shook and eyes opened a little he wiped the slubber from his mouth yawned and streched.

"Were here" I said quietly he nodded and got up as the captain said we were boarding off the ship he grabbed our luggage but I ended taking mine so he wouldn't get tired.

We walked down the steps and enter the airport as peopel chatted loudly and smiled some friendly others not I went to my SoundCloud on my iPhone and played rehab by rihanna.

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