The Arsonists

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Guess What I Know How To Bold. Shout out to @TheAnalogyQueen for helping out.

         So yeah. Bold =me. Ok got it?

You need to know some things I only update on weekends from 1 to 5 central time. I'm an insomniac don't judge me. I will probably update once or twice a week if I have inspiration. I've had the idea for this chapter for a long time. The POV will be Gilly unless I say so.

    Ok, that's all on to the story. Enjoy!

 "Hey Jax," I say "What do you want," he replies rather harshly. I find him in the library reading a book."Tomorrow do you want to set fire to Harlow's classroom." "Yeah," he replies without listening. "Ok see you at 5 am," I say back calmly. "Wait what?" he says realizing what he has done. "See ya," I yell as I zoom out of there as quickly as possible. "GILLY WHAT THE  HECK YOUR  MIDDLE NAME IS COBLER!" SHOUTS SOMONE. I snicker oh I love my boyfriend so much.

 So to explain I found some extra firecrackers from the time Me, Ollie, and Jax pranked the group. The first thought I had was I'm gonna be an arsonist. So with that, I went to find Jax.

 Time Skip to 5 am.

 "Do we have everything?" I asked "Yep," my partner says " 2 masks, a load of firecrackers, and matches. "Why did I agree to this?" Jax sighs. "Cause you're my BF" I reply. Kissing him.

We spend the next hour quietly planting firecrackers in Harlow's classroom. "We are so dead after we do this," Jax says while placing the last cracker. "Yes but it'll be worth it trust me," I say

Time skip to 7 am when classes start.

"Are you ready," I say knowing the answer. "No, but I don't care anymore," he says. We walk into Harlow's classroom with the masks on. Everyone looks scared. I smirked as they should be. "Who are you?" asks Harlow We don't reply. Jax pulls out a match and lights the hidden firecracker beside him leading to others. BOOM! Every screams and panics but Ollie sings this cringy song and I sing along. 

This Is By Me I Repeat By ME.

A is for Arsonist

B is for Beware of the Arsonist

C is for careful of the Arsonist

D is for Don't Anger the Arsonist

E is for Enjoy Arson with the Arsonist

F is for Fabulously Doing Arson

G is for Go do Arson

H is for Hope you have an Arsonist as a friend

I is for Ignoring Arsonist is a no-no

J is for Joking with the Arsonist will get you dead

K is for Killing The Army Arsonists is impossible

L is for Loving Arson is what Arsonists love

M is for Move Away from the Arsonist

N is for Never bet with a Arsonist

O is for Openly listening to an Arson is the best.

P is for Perfectly Do Arson

Q is for Questioning an Arsonist doings will put you in your grave.

R is for Resisting Arson will make it worse.

S is for Survival of Arson is 0

T is for Terrifying Arsonist

U is for Up to the top Arson will rise

V is for Very fun is what Arson is.

W is for Waking up with an arsonist at your house

X is for Xerocoles are Arsonist too

Y is for Yes is what to say to Arson

Z is for Zooming to do Arson

"Gilly Cobler and Jax Porter are wanted in the office." Aw shucks. Were busted.

"Well, it was fun while it lasted," I say to my partner-in-crime. "I hate to admit it but it was" 

We go to Headmistress Flora's Office

"Would You Like to explain what you did?" "Nope,"  we both say as we zoom out of there hand in hand.  Today was really fun! Can't wait to see what we do tomorrow.

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